A fuzzy surprise

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After about an hour of just chilling on my phone, sunlight began to pour in through the gaps around the curtains illuminating the room somewhat. It was light enough now that i could see Gundham, still fast asleep and drooling on the pillow. He had moved around in his sleep to the point where at least half his body was exposed, including his left leg and arm. He had not removed the bandage on his arm to sleep, strangely. His skin was pale and greyish, and i could tell that he likely did not go out all too often. Additionally, his hair had become tussled and messy, and flopped down in front of his face instead of sticking up as it did before. The gentle sunlight had fallen upon him and showed up the white streaks of hair that embellished his bangs - i found it quite odd, the streaks did not appear to be dyed, much less bleached. 

To my horror and surprise, the purple mass of Gundham's long scarf sitting on the bedside table started shifting and jostling as if it had a mind of its own. Suddenly, a ball of fluff burst forth from the bundle of fabric! Then one, two, no - three more! Four small hamsters now stood before me on the table, giving me rather quizzical looks. I repressed a squee of joy before moving carefully over to the hamsters, trying not to wake up the pale boy sleeping to my left. I slowly held out one hand and attempted to pet one (the biggest, roundest one!), but it squeaked loudly before rushing over to Gundham's bed. I silently begged for the noise to not wake him up, and thank god it didn't - he only made a sleepy grunt before shifting to lay with his bare back toward me. 

Eek, if i could ask him to cover himself, i would; i did not feel at all comfortable with sharing the room with a stranger, let alone sharing the room with a shirtless stranger. In a stroke of stupidity, i thought it would be smart to try and cover him myself. I pulled the duvet from in front of him and starting pulling it towards me, over his body. As one, the hamsters ran off the table, two of them 'attacking' one of my hands, and the other two running over to paw at Gundham's face. I was mortified when i realised that, in trying to get my hand away from the hamsters, i hadn't noticed that the boy had woken up, and was now turned to face me, frozen still and face red as anything. We stared at each other for what felt like a minute before i sprung back and yelled "I'm sorry!! I was only trying to put the blanket back on you!!". I was utterly ashamed and embarrassed. Gundham was still frozen, with a totally aghast expression on his face - i wasn't quite sure what his expression was conveying, but he seemed genuinely confused and nervous, as if he'd never been close to someone like this before. I felt... bad.

After profuse apologies from me and red-faced, fearful, angry shouts from Gundham, we were now both awake, obviously. Gundham had stormed to the bathroom, arms full of clothes and, assuredly, hamsters, and had emerged wearing the same outfit as yesterday. This time, however, he was now wearing a different hairstyle, his hair now sweeping down around his face. I followed suit and went into the bathroom to change into a short summer dress and yellow flats. Being the Ultimate Tailor, my clothes were of course all hand made, and in my expert opinion, my roommates fashion sense was frankly, fantastic. The black and dark greys complimented the purple well, and with his unique hair colours, it all came together harmoniously. I felt the need to tell him that, however tensions remained high after our awkward introduction. 

After i emerged from the bathroom, i noticed quickly that Gundham was gone, along with any belongings that he left. Did i scare him off? I reckon he'd be too 'proud' and 'evil' to admit it, anyway. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2018 ⏰

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