Chapter 2: The Sultana's Daughter

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I had been working for the Tsar and his favorite wife for a year I was known as the Tsars "exicution killer" I was the one who led traitors to their deaths. I did a good job at it to I somehow seem'd to have caught his best wife interest in me. She liked my skills for building death traps but she was cruel. I paid no interest in her, but her daughter was something else. I think I'm falling in love with her. But my secret love for her did not last long.
The tsar suddenly thought I would spill their secrets to an outsider. I can't help myself because I know to much. The tsar for example thought about pulling out my eyes but decided to have me executed. I was to be shot to death by a fireing squat tomorrow morning as I was preparing to die the next day Daroga as he was known was the policeman of the tsar and the man to order my death I must say I was surprised when he offered to let me go. "Protect the innocent" weak. But I agreed to our deal that I would never harm a single soul on this earth so with his help I escaped.
But I never keep my word. Promises are for fools and I'm not a fool. Of course I knew Daroga would be discovered so I helped him in return of course he never knew about it even though he is a very smart man. But not smarter than me. I killed a man by making it look like a drowning accident and of course they took the bate.
They thought I was me and Daroga was given exile and as I suspected he followed me. After leaving country to country I grew tired of this life so I decided to return to my native France.
Perhaps there is something waiting for me there. Or someone...

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