Chapter one : The Shock.

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"Where's your hijab?" I yell at my younger sister, Zainab. Well, she's not that small just five years younger to me. I'm 21 and she is 16.

She's more like a girl who would love to flaunt her clothes and the new accessories she got from the very famous, "The Habib's shop."

"Well ,I'm going to stay over at Zeba and her house is just a few blocks away from here and its afternoon time so it's okay !" with this she left.

She doesn't like to stay all Islamic and loves to adopt new trends.My mother is okay with this behaviour of Zainab.She thinks it is normal for teenagers of her age to act like this.But all our family member trust her so yeah she won't do anything wrong,the reason she has so much of freedom.

"Humaira,can you please help me with the dishes?" my mom yelled from the kitchen.

"Sure,mummy !"

I went to the kitchen and was washing the dishes when my mom cleared her throat.I gave her a confused look.I knew she wanted to speak to me.

"Humaira?" she called out my name.

"Yes mumma?"

She was about to say something when suddenly the door bell rang.

"Don't worry, mumma ! I'll open the door and come, it must be abbu (father) !" I said with enthusiasm.

I ran quickly towards the door to open it and I had a hijab on my head. This is the advantage of hijab. When suddenly someone shows up or we have guests, I don't need to run here and there to find my hijab.

I open the door with great excitement.

"Abbu..." only to refrain myself from doing it. It's not Abbu, it's someone else. I was inches away from the stranger's body. I was about to hug him thinking he was Abbu.

Why do I have to be so stupid?

I see a guy with light skin tone, hazel eyes which were twinkling, he had a smirk on his face, his brown hair were a mess. He was wearing a black shirt with a pair of white jeans. Inshort he looks handsome!

Geez, what am I thinking?

"Is Asad there? " he asked in a deep voice.

"Yeah, come in " I tried to be all sensible in front of him as I already had embarrassed myself.

"Humaira ? who's there?" my mom asked from the kitchen.

"Mumma, bhaijaan's friend is here."

I addressed him as a friend because I honestly didn't know him.

"Ayaan. My name is Ayaan." he said giving me a look, rather an innocent look.

Why is he telling me his name ? Huh ! like I care. I was on my way upstairs when I saw Asad bhaijaan.

"Hey, some Ayaan guy is downstairs waiting for you."

"Oh Ayaan is here already ? How come so early ?"

"What do I know ? Your friend, you know !" I replied.

I came downstairs and went into the kitchen to help mumma.Mumma had prepared some tea and snacks for Ayaan. I went to her to ask about this 'guest' of ours.

"Mumma ? Who's he ? I've never seen him."

"He's your bhaijaan's best friend.", she said and went out to serve him.

She sat there and started talking to him I too sat there but I didn't take any part in their conversation.

Ayaan had an elder sister, Jasmine, who had just delivered a baby girl. The Khan's had kept a get together in order to express their happiness and love for the new member in their house and so he was here to invite our family.

I remember bhaijaan once said that he and Ayaan were very good friends, practically soulmates of each other. They've been this way since high school, gradually both the families too knew each other very well. Whenever there was any sort of celebration at our place the Khan's were always invited and the same was reciprocated from their side.

I realised as I was thinking about all this at the same time I was starring at him like an idiot and he too was looking at me. I shifted my gaze awkwardly to the nearby painting on the wall.

Allah ! I'm going to die out of embarrasment tonight

"Aunty, You have to come along with your whole family tomorrow I won't hear any excuses." he said.

"Don't worry son ! We all will b delighted to be there." my mom replied.

"So how are you doing aunty ? and how's uncle ?"

"We are all doing great Ayaan.", my mom replied sweetly.

Huh ? Who will ask about me ?

The phone rang so mumma wet to pick it up. Now it was omly me, Asad bhaijaan and Ayaan.

Ayaan was starring at me. I could see from the corner of my eye.

"So Ayaan's umm...Yasmin ?" bhaijaan asked.

I couldn't help but giggle. I knew this question was coming.

"She's good Asad, any special reason ?" he smirked.

"No...ummm...nothing. Just a general question. How's uncle and aunty ?"

"Uncle and aunty are doing good. Well, lately we've been thinking of getting Yasmin married. She's 21 and

this is the right age, don't you think ?" Ayaan asked playfully.

" WHATT ?"

I couldn't control my laughter now.

Bhaijaan's face was worth it.

"No...I mean yeah...whatever."

"C'mon Asad she's growing old! We won't be able to find a good bridgroom for her later then!"

"Ayaan but she is just 21.Two years younger to us."

"So? She is my younger sister and I have to care for her. My parents are planning to get her married in the next three months. He had a wide ear to ear smile plastered on his face.

Ayaan stop. My brother would die due to a heart attack now.

Yasmin Khan. My brother's love past two years. We both are of the same age. He never confessed his feelings to her as he thought it would ruin our family friendship.

Yasmin was a beautiful, tall girl. She had grey coloured eyes with very beautiful eyelashes. She had brown hair that fell down perfectly on her shoulders. She was very fair and had an elegance within her. She would actually suit Asad bhaijaan.

Asad bhaijaan loved her very much and would never let her marry anyone else.

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