Chapter Six - Field Trip

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        "Make sure I get your permission slips" Mr. Molina, the biology shouted to all of the students. It was obvious that Alison was excited, even though she didn't really like Biology she just liked the idea of going to a field trip. Alice and even Jasper found it amusing as she had a goofy smile on her face waiting to get onto the bus.

"Hey, you alright?" Alison muttered standing besides Edward. He just nods looking away from Bella. "You should probably just leave her alone" She said causing Edward to look at her quickly. "It's just... It's not safe"

"Oh, so you're turning into Rose now?" He asked annoyed.

"I just don't want you getting hurt" She said looking down at the ground. Edward sighed feeling bad for the harsh tone.

"I know you're just looking out for me, but don't worry, I know what I'm doing" He said giving her a smile as she glanced upwards.

"I can't remember a time when that was true" She teased but was serious at the same time. Edward's smile faltered slightly. He sighed wrapping his arm around her neck leading her to the bus.

"Trust me, will ya?" He asked and she rolled her eyes at him before getting out of his arm climbing onto the bus. She found a seat by Alice and Jasper before sitting down. She smiled at them excitedly before looking up seeing a guy about to sit next to her. Her smile was lost not wanting him to sit there but Edward was behind him in an instant. He grabbed the back of the boys shirt giving him a gentle shove away from the seat with a harsh glare.

"Alright, alright, no harm done" He said grinning with his hands up before picking another seat. Edward just continued to glare at him before sitting besides Alison.

"Aren't you excited?" She asked him and he just rolled his eyes slouching in his seat. "Party popper" She said looking out the window as the bus began to drive down the road.

Alison walked with the other students just slightly ahead of Alice and Jasper. She didn't really pay attention as she looked around. However, she did notice her brother squeezing his way up further ahead where Bella was. Alison just sighed glancing back at Alice and Jasper who was eyeing Edward as well. Edward wasn't the one to put his family in danger but now he was getting close to doing just that.

"What's in Jacksonville?" Edward questioned Bella startling her.

"How did you know about that?" Bella asked suspiciously. Alison eavesdropped wondering how this was going to work out. She hated to admit but it was entertaining to watch.

"You didn't answer my question" Edward said rudely.

"You haven't answered any of mine. You won't even say hello" Bella shot back not taking his shit which made Alison smirk. The human was growing on Alison.

"Hello" Edward said trying not to be as rude.

"And how did you stop that van?" Bella asked looking at him.

"Adrenaline rush. Very common. Google it" Edward said. Alison rolled her eyes at him, she thought it was a little too late to be making up excuses now.

"Floridians. That's what's in Jacksonville" Bella told him before she almost fell onto the ground but Edward grabbed her before she could fall.

"It helps if you actually watch where you put your feet" Edward snapped. She looks at him before trying to walk away. "I know I've been rude, but it's for the best" Edward said before going past her.

"I just want to know if you're trying to make her more curious about us?" Alison questioned catching up with Edward.

"I don't know what you're talking about" He said and Alison grabbed him forcing him to stop walking.

"Don't do that" She said sternly. "You know what I'm talking about, you know what everybody has been talking about. You know this is dangerous yet you continue to do it. You know she's a curious person and I think you want her to figure it out herself."

"It's not what I'm doing" He said but she just shook her head.

"Stop lying, you know I hate liars" She said walking away from him.

*Feel free to comment what you think! I love the support I'm getting from this book!*

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