Prologue- part 2

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"Nice to meet you guys, my name is Jungkook" An uproar of screams followed instantly. 

Cue the smile.

As expected, the onslaught of cries and weeping filled the arena. It's simply amazing what one simple smile can do to the hearts of some people. But, as much as I hate to admit it, without their reactions I don't know where I would be today.

They are my source of sustenance.

Some people live off of food and water maybe even the "kindness of others", according to some gullible people if we really wanna get all cute and stuff. Don't get me wrong, I obviously live off of that too otherwise I wouldn't be standing here on this stage right now, but the main thing I crave for, Is the need to be desired.

As cringy as it sounds, it's what drives me. Makes me strive to be on top. No matter what people say, everyone feels the same. Even if its the tiniest amount imaginable, we all crave existence. We want our lives to be documented in history in some way, so we leave an impression of ourselves after we are gone, be it a good or bad one.

Being in this group gives me a sense of what being royalty is really like. Yeah, we worked hard to get where we are, and we are definitely proud of it every single day of living, but that doesn't mean now that we are on top we won't stop striving to carry on being better than everyone else.   


We will continue to rise and look down on everyone who worships us, everyone, that devotes their undying love to us, and we will refuse to fall or cave.

ARMY isn't just a fan base, it's exactly what the name suggests. They are our ARMY of followers, yes. They are our supporters yes. Our fans, definitely.  But to what purpose do they serve to us? Do you really think that there isn't a more sinister reason behind the name?

What do you think people think of when you say ARMY?

They think of a mass group of people who all follow one leader. No matter what their opinions on the leader's actions, they will always be obedient little pets and follow their owner's orders. No matter which way you look at it, we are revered by them. 

Do you know what this means?

We can do no wrong in their eyes.

For instance, imagine this. Say we just happened to borrow someone else's lyrics or idea for a song from a not so well known artist. Who do you think will defend us? An ARMY perhaps? How many do you think will defend the other artist on the other hand? Chances are the artist would get slaughtered by our fans, but that's just how it is in this world sweetheart.

Yeah, I know its wrong but what's stopping me from continuing to do it? In their eyes we are gods. I mean, I'm the golden maknae after all and I could do no wrong.  If you ever even found the courage to come at me with hard evidence, it means nothing to me. The favour will always swing my way.

This is what being the kings of the industry gets you in the real world, and what being the "perfect" man looks like on the inside. 


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-A/n -

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2018 ⏰

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