Peter gets arrested kinda

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A/N in this one shot Civil War happened but avengers made up and Peter wasn't involved. they don't know Pete is Spidey not even Tony. And peter is going on a field trip to avengers tower.

"Oh my gosh Peter aren't you excited for the to Avengers Tower! Freaking Avengers tower?!" Peter's best friend Ned fangirled while his girlfriend MJ rolled her eyes. "Yeah, I guess." Peter lied, really he was terrified, what if the avengers found out his secret identity. He knew he was on S.H.E.I.L.D.'s wanted list Ned had hacked their system, so he never stayed in one place as Spider-Man in case they sent someone after him. It was highly unlikely for the avengers to actually be there, much less make an appearance, but his overactive imagination kept popping ideas into his mind. if they found out they might send him to jail, or worse what if he couldn't be spider-man anymore!He walked into his last period class and before he knew it he was saying goodbye to Ned, and kissing MJ on the cheek, ignoring Ned's snicker. The hero walked down the steps in front of the school and into an alley to change into his homemade suit for patrol.

----time skip----

Peter groaned as his alarm went off it was two days later, the day of the field trip. He had tried to hide his permission slip from May but she found it anyways. Peter slowly sat up and changed into one of his Star Wars shirt, jeans, and his Spider-Man hoodie. He grabbed one of the burnt waffles May had made him before she left for work, slung his backpack over his shoulder and ran out the door.

At school they all piled onto one of the old buses, Peter narrowly avoiding some trash Flash threw at him. He sat next to MJ and Ned sat in the seat in front of them backwards so he could talk to them. Soon they pulled into the guest section of the parking lot at the tower and made their way to the reception desk. She called someone on her walkie mic and a short woman came from one of the various elevators.

"Hi! I'm Karen and I'll be your guide today." She grabbed a nearby basket full of passes and handed them out, " Don't lose the badges and don't stray from the group or you'll be thrown out of tour. The passes will expire once the tour is over and are level one clearance. Follow me to the security check please." She explained and with the students trailing behind led them to the security check where they got all their fingerprints stamped. Then they scanned them for metal objects. Peter mentally cursed himself his suit was in his backpack along with his metal webshooters , yeah it was stupid of him to bring it even though they were in a secret compartment but he liked to be prepared. He started to think of ways to escape and quietly whispered his predicament to his two friends(they knew his secret identity). They both said he would be fine as long as they were in the secret pouch. MJ told him it would be really suspicious if he just ran out before the scan, and that he should just lie about what they were. He hesitantly agreed but he was still glancing around nervously. He put his backpack on the conveyor and watched the guards face as it went through the metal detector.

"What the heck are those?!" One questioned, he lifted the pack up "whos backpack is this?"

Flash was quick to answer and pointed at Peter
"that's Parkers!"

"Is this yours kid?" The large man asked, he looked around at his classmates and confused teacher. Goodbye sweet world, he thought as he nodded. "What's this in here?"

" Uh.... wrist braces?" Peter mentally face palmed that was a stupid answer. The guard dumped the backpack out shuffling through the trash, crumpled papers, and books. He scrunched his eyebrows and put it back in the X-ray and it showed the webshooters still there. Then he said what Peter had feared
"I'm gonna have to take you in for processing." Peter gulped as guard grabbed his arm the his teacher and his friends looked like they were going to protest but the guard had already taken him to the elevator. The man swiped his pass and typed a code into a touchpad. The elevator jerked and began to descend. Peter grabbed the rail with his free hand and tried to stay calm.
The doors opened to a dark metal room with several hallways branching off of it. Now that Peter was closer to the man he saw his name was Doug. Doug set Peters backpack on a table and pointed to a small chair by it and Peter sat down in it. Doug had taken several pictures of Peters backpack X-rayed and he used a computer to send them who knows where. Little did Peter know Friday had identified them as Spider-Man's webshooters and had sent them to Tony who was in the building and now on his way.

The guard proceeded to ask him lots of questions. Which he answered truthfully, kind of. When he asked what his webshooters were he shook his head.

"I need you to tell me Peter it will make everything easier."

Yeah for him to arrest me. Peter thought spitefully, crossing his arms.
"If you don't tell me I'll have to arrest you." This scared Peter, he couldn't tell the truth but he couldn't be arrested either, there's no way May would be able to bail him out, and he didn't want to disappoint her either. In that moment he made the stupid decision to try to escape. Quick as lightning he grabbed his backpack and ran for the elevator, but Doug grabbed the handle, Peter turned around and knocked him of his feet. However, Doug got back up and into a fighting stance. The hero smirked and punched him in the nose only using a tiny bit of super strength. This time when the man fell he didn't get back up and Peter was in to of a hurry to see if he was ok.

He spun around and nearly ran into a metal red and gold suit. Peter was fangirling for a second until Iron man help up a repulser to his chest. So stupid...

Hey I didn't think I was going to publish this till I finished my other book but I changed my mind 😋 tell me if you want a part 2???
pls vote and stuff. Thx to all my amazing readers!!!


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