Peter and the stray

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A/N: in this shot takes place 3 weeks after homecoming.

Peter ran away from his apartment as fast as he could. Aunt May was gone. He had come home to his building only to find a blackened pile of rubble where his home once stood. The police officer said that the fire had burned quickly and that May, his aunt was one of the three confirmed deaths. After that he ran, heavy rain began pelting him as his mind refused to accept the truth. Child services would be after him so he debated changing into his alter ego. However, him staying out late on Friday patrol is what caused him to not be there to save May. So he couldn't bring himself to look at his suit, much less wear it.

He eventually stopped in a damp alley. Glancing around  through the curls plastered to him face, he saw an old folding chair, which he sat in. He pulled out his phone and shakily began to type in Tony's number, shielding the screen with his jacket. But he stopped halfway through when he heard a soft meow. He looked up from his cracked phone screen and scanned the alley. His eyes landed on a wet and bedraggled ball of soaked fur. The tiny grey kitten was shaking under a deflated cardboard box. Peters heart cracked even more and he bent over and picked it up. The little baby looked up at Peter with sad eyes and leaned into his torso. Peter cracked a tiny smile and took off his jacket, turned it inside out and dried it off best he could. After a long consideration he named him scarbro. Holding Scarbro close to his chest he looked up to see the sun peeking through the clouds as the rain stopped. He laid he head against the alley wall and for a moment he forgot about the tragedy he had just discovered.
                                -time skip-

Peter's eyes fluttered open and the memories of the previous day flooded back. He hugged the now dry, fluffy, sleeping kitten close as the tears streamed down his face. As the silent sobs racked his body he again considered calling Tony. He didn't want to be a burden, and he would just have to send him into foster care or something. He shook his head to himself, he DID not want to go into the system. His clothes had dried overnight, and his hair was probably a mess. So he got up and stretched, brushing a hand through his hair. The sun was rising, Peter usually slept in on weekends but he had fell asleep at, like 6 so...
Still crying a little he looked around  the street for where he could go, a minuscule yawn stirred him from his thoughts. Scarbro, hair sticking in random directions, (he is the pic at top) sat on the ground up on his hind legs up looking expectantly at Peter.
Peter picked him up and walked across the street. After putting the cat in his jacket he walked into a café and sat down at the bar. He ordered a doughnut with some crumpled bills from the bottom of his backpack. He had to shield his face with his hood while a police asked to put up a sign with his face on it labeled missing he pulled out his phone and saw lots of missed calls from Tony, then he did a double take. It had been two days since he fell asleep. That day He obviously hadn't wanted to talk so he had put it on do not disturb just for over night. He regretted it now, but as f he did go back and into foster care he would probably be treated weird for running away. He sat up after buying some sausage, and walked out of the café. After a short walk he came on an empty street so, after making sure Scarbro was secure he climbed a building and sat on the top looking out on the city. Scarbro wobbled out of his coat and sat next to Peter. Even though the sausage was cold Peter assumed Scarbro wouldn't care. He was right. Peter smiled down at his baby, they really were two of a kind. Though the cat was so tiny he ate nearly half the sausage.

Suddenly Peter heard repulsers behind him and quickly stood up as the Ironman suit dropped down next to him.

"M-mister Stark I can-" Tony cut him off by exiting his suit and enveloping Peter in a hug. Peter hugged him back enjoying the moment.
"I'm sorry kid." Tony mumbled, pulling apart and resting a hand on the boys shoulder.
"Mister Stark I'm sorry but I can't go back... Not into foster care..." Tony raised an eyebrow at this.

"Seriously kid you're bunking with me." He grinned


"Of course."

"Scarbro can come too right?"

"I'm sorry? What Scarred bro?"

Right, there it is. The next chapter will be part 2 for the first chap. Sorry the ending was rushed but I'm tired so...... #SleepComesFirst #PPPS #ZZzzz—__... 😐 this is unedited


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