Chapter 29

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I couldn't tell you what his last letter entailed but as I sit in his office scouring for the latest information in where he is heading, a furious knock is on the door. I leap up from the office, clutching the letter opener. I opened the door and a blonde haired blue eyed man stared back at me, exhaustion on his face. I raised my eyebrow.

"Sorry to bother you at this horrible time. I understand your husband is off on a business trip, correct?"

I nodded concerned with what would be brought up next. "What happened? Is he alright?"

"Your husband from what insiders have told me, is alive and well. His location is not to be disclosed as it has the plausibility to harm not only you but your husband as well."
I had inquired of the men I had asked to ensure his safety. The man's gaze faltered slightly. He removed his hat and placed it underneath his arm, cradling it.
The man wiped a single tear as he said, "Men ambushed them before they could properly fight. As I've said before, your husband is fine. I actually came for a young man charged with defending your life, Elizabeth."
I blinked. They were here for my son? John emerged from his bedroom, rubbing his eyes. "Mother, who is this man?"
The words slipped out gently, a small part of Elizabeth swore she could hear her husband in the inquiry. She opened her arms and he approached her. "John, I presume?"
John, wide-eyed, smiled broadly and said, "Yes, I'm John. May I ask who sent you?"

The man chuckled and inquired if he could enter. Against her son's wishes, I granted the man passage. He didn't look too burly or intimidating. In fact, I had offered him tea. He politely declined and returned to the task at hand. He began speaking of John's fierce protection of me in his father's absence. John simply agreed but didn't know the man was recruiting boys to train with the national army. I didn't know whether to cheer or cry. Instead I had opted for a more indifferent response despite what I truly felt of the decision.

"John, you must comprehend the magnitude of this offer. Your father fought beside former president Washington during the Revolution. I'm certain he wouldn't be too upset-"
The man seemed to see right through my facade as my gaze fell to the floor.

"I haven't informed your husband of the offer," The recruiter turned his head to meet eyes with John. John's lips were trembling as he awaited the next words that would soon follow. "-I have an offer of you joining our camp just outside Buffalo New York to train in order to fight for the freedoms your father had fought for, if another war against the British were to break out."

At first, John hesitated. He didn't want to disappoint his father nor the man standing before him. However, at the same time John didn't want to leave his mother alone. He didn't find the nevessity to sacrifice others. I glanced over at John who was fidgeting with his thumbs. His gaze had fallen away from the recruiter and I spoke up, "Will I see him? Will he be able to come home if he fails?"

John glanced up at me and squeezed my wrist as if to reassure me that he wouldn't be too far to write letters. The recruiter nodded and replied, "Mrs. Schuyler-Hamilton, I can assure you that your son will return on a monthly basis. It's an offer he can refuse but he'd be risking a chance to have a better understanding of how to protect you."

"Would you pay me? Pay me for my services?"

The man glanced up at John who was now standing. It was a odd sight, seeing my son look at excited and ready but at the same time, I knew he was able to do it. I knew I would be able to wield a knife if necessary but at the same time, I had to go into town for groceries or get the locksmith to fix the lock on the front door once in the absence of my husband. Despite the quiet thrum of my heartbeat as well as being without the thumping coming from within my husband's office, I found solitude and slight joy in his absence. I don't want to speak his name for fear of the pain to return as it would every morning.

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