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Leah's POV

Master doesn't respond to me at first. "Well, it's... one form is like the colors I just told you... You don't know what a safeword is?" He asks me in confusion.

I shake my head no and turn around in his arms so we are nose to nose. "Is that bad?" I ask in a whisper.

He hesitates for a moment, "Umm well... no," he says, wrapping his arms around my back. He pulls me to him more and I smile. "It's just something really common," he explains.

"Oh," I say resting my hands alongside his face. It is a little scratchy, but I don't mind it too much.

For a second, I pull away, realizing I'm getting too comfortable. I shouldn't be touching Master without permission, but he doesn't seem to notice my touching him. Maybe it is okay to touch him when I want... I put my hands back on his scratchy face, looking for a reaction.

He doesn't give me a reaction, just continuing to explain to me about the safeword. "It's for playtime, so if things get too intense we can take a break. I'm gonna be blindfolding you and restraining you—if your comfortable with that, and it might get to a point where it's not enjoyable anymore or it is too intense", he explains. "Safewords are a form of communication. It's how you tell me where you are at. Green is good. Yellow is okay. Red is stop."

"Why doesn't stop mean stop?" I ask him a little confused.

Why wouldn't I just tell him how I feel?

"Well, it's like when someone tickles you. When you tell them to stop, it's a different kind of stop from when a punishment becomes too much and you need things to stop," he says.

I don't quite understand how it helps.

"Does that make sense?" he asks petting my face.

I shake my head no. "Why would you need a secret word to know when I want you to stop? I'll probably just beg you to," I say.

He sighs. "I know punishment and playtime were different with your old Master, Leah, but that's not what it was suppose to be. Playtime is suppose to be fun, for the both of us, and punishment is suppose to be good for you, not fun, but good. Your old Master's punishments weren't either, good or safe, but a safeword makes sure punishments don't turn into that," He explains.

So a safeword is to keep me... safe.

Well that makes sense.

"So I would use my safeword in punishment if it was really bad?" I ask Master.

"Yes, anything that is too much. It shouldn't be excruciating and it shouldn't be permanent," Master explains. I nod and curl into him.

He is such a good Master.

"So, Leah." Master says and I look up at him, "Tonight we are going over to my parent's house, but it is kinda far away, would you be interested in staying the night there?" He asks me.

"Whatever you would like, Master," I reply, snuggling into him again.

His chest is so strong and warm. It makes the perfect pillow.

"Okay," he says rubbing my back. "Well, I guess we will be staying the night then."

I shuffle through the new clothes in the closet again. I'm so nervous about what to pack. I want to look nice for him when he introduces me to his parents, but I just don't know how to dress myself.

I hold up two sundresses and try to decide which one to bring. They both are very beautiful, but it is cold and I don't want Master to think I'm trying to show off my body to other people.

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