Chapter 23

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I am super sorry I have left you for this long! I have just been so busy with my new Role Play, and school!

Maxon POV

I ran after America, in a panic.

I turned every corner looking for America, but I couldn't find her.
I called out her name.

No answer.

I started to panic, looking around until I heard scream come from the other direction.

I ran as fast as I could, until I saw the worst.
America was in the grip of a rebel, with the twins in another, getting dragged off.


She looked over at me.

"The twins! "

I was about to run up to them, when I felt a hand grab my shoulder.

"Ah, Maxon, darling, don't worry about getting them, there already ares."


I said through gritted teeth.

"Don't you date touch my children."

Kriss just smirked at me.

"Darling, don't worry. I won't hurt them, but I won't saw the same about her."
Kriss pointed to America.

The rebel, that had a hold of America, smirked, and put a knife up to her throat.

"Kriss! Stop this! I can't believe I married you! Especially since I knew you were a rebel! But I should have known you were a southerner!"

Kriss smirked, and walked over to America, and grinned at her, then slapped her face.

America winced, and I could feel my face getting hot.

"Kriss! Why are you doing this!"

She walked over to me.

"Maxon! Don't you know? None of this would have ever happened, if America never came! So I am just making that happen. Now you will never have to deal with her again!"

The rebel started taking America, and she screamed.

"Maxon! Please don't let me go!"

I tried to run up to America, but Kriss stopped me.

"Maxon, you don't have to deal with her anymore. Now, me, you and the twins can be one big happy family."

" No, Kriss! I don't want that! Please stop this! "

Just at that moment, Aspen, and a bunch of the guards came running around the corner.

Aspen grabs Kriss, and takes her away, and I run up to America, Snyder punch the rebel that had America.

He falls to the floor, and a guard arrested him.

I helped America, and hugged her.

" Maxon "

I pull her into a kiss.
A deep, loving kiss. It was like all the kisses we had ever shared, in one.

We pull spent and I stare into her big blue eyes.

"I love you."

" I love you to. "

I miss her one more time, and we go over and make sure the twins are ok.

I pick up Eadlyn, while America picks up Aaron.


Eadlyn squeals.


This is what I want.

A happy family.
A family that loves me, and I love them.

The end!

Yay! This is my very first book I have ever finished. There will probably be an epilogue, I will be posting soon!
I don't know about a sequel though.
Comment below on what you thought of the book, and if I should have a sequel.
Thank you all for reading. Commenting, voting, and sharing!
I am so sad that this is over!
I have tears in my eyes!
Thank you all!
You all are amazing!!!

Loves from loolivvy!

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