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Josh's POV

I woke up to feel her hot breathe on my neck. I smiled and kissed her cheek. She smiled and said"it's nice to wake up like that." I laughed and said "morning. " she looked at me and said "morning. " I sighed and we laid there in silence till the doorbell rang.

Lacey's POV

Josh looked confused and then looked out his window. "Ew. It's Vanessa. " I laughed at him and he said"you and I are gonna ignore her. " I nodded and he asked"wants some cereal?" I sat up and said"sure." I flattened down my hair and climbed out of bed. Josh hugged me and put his arm around me as we walked out of his room. We walked passed Conner and Vanessa who were going to his room and she stopped and watched us. Conner sighed and we went downstairs. Josh made us cinnamon toast crunch and then we ate. He finished first and watched me as I ate. I finished and said"quit looking at me. It makes me feel weird." he laughed and said"why?because your self conscious." I looked down and he hugged me. "I'm just messing with you. I like watching you because your beautiful. " I blushed and he kissed my cheek. Then his phone dinged and he said"its your mom." he handed it to me and I read the text.

Morning love. I have to go out of town for the week so your on your own. Be careful and you can have friend stay over.

I smiled and showed him the text. "Wanna stay at my house this week?" he smiled and said definitely." I laughed and asked her.

Is it all right if that friend is josh?

Sure honey. Be careful.

I showed josh and he said"well let's get out of this hell hole. " I laughed as he pulled me up the stairs. I sat on his bed as he packed. He put my clothes in his nike duffle bag also before putting on his shoes as I put mine on. He took my hand and we went downstairs as he wrote a note to his mom. Then Conner asked"where are you guys going?" Vanessa stood behind him smirking. Josh put the note on the counter and said"im staying at Lacey's house till Sunday so see ya later. " I smiled as Vanessa face turned red with anger.He looked at me and asked "shall we take the dirt bike?" I nodded and said"we shall." he grabbed the keys and my hand and we walked outside. He looked at me and said"you have to hold the bag since your in back. " I nodded and he handed it to me before getting on. I put the strap around my chest and got on behind him while the bag sat behind me. He turned it on and I wrapped my arms around him and he took off. We got to my house as my mom was leaving. She blew me a kiss and waved to josh before pulling out of the driveway. I went to open the door but it was locked. My keys are inside. I looked at the tree by my window and started climbing it as josh asked"what are you doing?" I looked at him and said"my window is the only one that's open. " He laughed and said"a good girl like you leaves her window open and can climb trees? wow!" I continued climbing and said"well you didn't know me before I moved here so you wouldn't know that I hold the record for bad girl at my old school. " He laughed and said"wow. You have to tell my more once we get inside." I laughed and got to my window. "I'll be right down." he nodded and I jumped in my window. I threw the stuff on the floor in my room into the closet and then went downstairs. I opened the door and let josh in. He smiled at me and we went upstairs. He set his bag on the floor and jumped into my bed. I laughed as he kicked off his shoes and laid there. "So tell me about your "bad" reputation. " I laughed because he doesn't believe me. I sat in my chair and he motioned for me to talk. "Well when I was about 8 I hated school. That was the first year I got in trouble for pantsing a kid who was calling my friend stupid. Then it lead to phone calls and detention and banging erasers after class and writing lines and extra credit and community service. By the time I was in 7th grade I had almost been arrested for illegal street racing. Stupid I know but I did win and I had fun. I've stollen a teachers keys and moved her car so she would freak out. I've silly stringed kids while I was skateboarding through the halls and I almost got away with it till the principle stepped out of his office. I didn't care after that. I ended up spending every night at my friends house so I wouldn't have to go home to my mom. I ditched I lost my grades and eventually my friends because I was the kid who doesn't give a shit and my friends were in honor roll. After that I convinced my mom to move here and that I do better and then I met Liam and you and everyone else and I liked you guys so I decided I'd better make this good girl act work otherwise I'm sent off to Minnesota where my grandparents can straighten my out. That's why I kinda keep to myself now. I don't want to get caught up in the wrong group and end up just like I used to be. 'Cause that was hell." he stayed silent the whole time. I looked up at him and he just stared at me.then a mischievous smile spreads across his face. "What?" He shakes his head and put his hands behind his head and crossed his legs cockily. I smiled and said"tell me." he didn't say anything. I stood up and walked to the bed teasingly. He quirked an eyebrow at me as I crawled on to his lap. I straddled his hips and kissed him. He held my waist in place and kissed me. "Why did you look at me that way?" I mumbled against his lips. He smiled and mumbled back"because thinking of you being a bad girl is so hot. " I giggled and we continued to kiss. We were making out when his phone rang. He put it on speaker and said"what?" I smiled and laid my head on his chest. Then I heard vintners voice "you stole my condom you dick!" josh chuckled and said"it was to big for you anyway. It would have slipped right off and then we'd have a pregnant Vanessa on our hands. It would ruin her slutty reputation. " I laughed into his chest and Conner asked"where is it? I need it. " Josh laughed and said"its gone." he had his cocky smirk back and Conner said"you prick!who did you sleep with?" josh laughed and said "the prettiest,smartest and most amazing girl in the world. Oh and she's obliviously in love you." He said the last part sarcastically and I giggled before kissing him. "You slept with Lacey!? I had dibs." Josh chuckled and said"ya well she'd rather have a man so looks like your out of the picture. " Then he hung up. I hugged him tighter than I've ever hugged anyone. "Josh?" he stared at the roof and asked"ya babe?" I laid my head down and looked out the window. "Do you ever feel abandoned or unloved or like you have no purpose?" he rubbed my back and asked" Lacey baby what's wrong? you have never asked a question like that before.what's going on?" I stared at the rain drops running down my window. "I don't know josh I just feel... I feel different. I never let these questions haunt me but I have asked myself before. I over heard my aunt and uncle a few years ago saying that my dad left because of my moms drinking and that I was a burden. What if he left because I wasn't a good enough daughter. What if he never loved me. What if I'm like my mom and I'll drive my husband away or treat my kids like crap. He left 9 years ago and I have t heard from him. I spend every birthday, every Father's Day hoping he will walk through the front door and hug me and tell me I'm a good daughter and that he loves me but I always end up falling asleep with voices saying he's never coming back. "There it was. My feelings from the past 5 years. Hanging in the open. The thoughts I managed to bury. "Lacey I never met your dad. I don't know how he feels but I promise you that you would be an amazing mom and wife. I know for a fact that your mom, Liam and I love you and that you do have a purpose. God doesn't put people on earth without a purpose." I closed my eyes and said"that doesn't answer my question. " He sighed and said"what do you mean?" I opened my eyes again and said" I asked if you feel like that. You didn't answer me." he stopped rubbing my back and said " I told you what I had to say. That should be enough." I got off of him and walked away saying"whatever." I went downstairs and opened the fridge. I grabbed milk and poured a glass before getting the Oreos. I sat on the kitchen floor shielding myself with the counters and ate. Why won't he talk to me? I've opened up to him why won't he open up back? just forget it Lacey. He's the bad boy who knows how to push people away so they don't see his soft side. I ate and then grabbed a blanket from the couch and went to my moms room. I sat on her bed and dialed her number.

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