Part 42~

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Seo-yun P.O.V

It had all happened so fast. Taehyung yelling at me, the men with the guns, the boys attacking them, Taehyung being shot. Yoongi managed to save him by digging out the bullet. I don't know if he would have survived if he hadn't have done that.

We practically had to drag him to the hospital. He fell in the elevator so Yoongi had to pick him up bridal style and carry him to the car. We had to be quick, he was still loosing a lot of blood, a lot of which was now on Yoongi. It's funny really. Taehyung nearly killed Yoongi a few weeks ago and here Yoongi is saving Taehyung.

The hospital took him into surgery immediately because the gunshot was so close to the heart. Police came and questioned us on the men and we told them they might still be in the apartment. We knew one would be for definite- the dead one. Unless they took the body. They then sent us out of the hospital.

Roughly A month later, we received a call from the hospital. We hadn't heard from them since the surgery happened. We were told Taehyung had just woken up, they suspected he had been in a coma for all this time. We went to the hospital immediately. We had to call a huge cab for the six boys and myself but we still got there. We were worried it was too late though because we saw people packing things away. We all sat down in the waiting bit and stared at the tinted glass windows of Tae's room. We couldn't see in them. We could only see ourselves.

We all fell asleep after a while of waiting for a nurse to come tell us we could go in but none did. The only nurse that came was to tell us to get out. We didn't even bother to argue. None of us had the strength. Barely any of us had eaten or slept. We were worried for Taehyung. To be perfectly honest, we probably needed to be in here because of our current states but they wouldn't have seven extra people in because they had starved themselves and deprived themselves of sleep.

We called another cab home and stayed in silence for the whole night. When we got home, the only words spoken were muttered 'good nights' of everyone going off to their rooms. I didn't. Neither did Jimin. We had sorted things out while Taehyung was gone and he wasn't mad anymore. He was just back to trying stuff on with me. I didn't care. I didn't have the energy to fight back and really, he didn't have the energy to try.

We just put on the TV. That's all we did. We sat on opposite sides of the couch and watched the boring television in silence. I fell asleep not long after Jimin. Just as I was falling asleep, I felt someone gently pick me up. I opened my eyes slightly to make sure it wasn't Jimin. My eyes settled on Yoongi's soft lips so I knew I was safe. I closed my eyes again as he carried me through the house. But he didn't walk far enough for my room. He stopped at his and took me in there.

I quickly yawned and pretended to wake up so he wouldn't try anything. Yoongi looked down at me and smiled softly. "I'm not going to try anything. I just want you to stay in my bed with me to help me sleep" He mumbled softly. It sounded like he had been sleeping a little as his voice was husky and he had a slight rasp. It was hot.

No, you can't do that while Taehyung is awake in hospital. But he wouldn't know. But you've cheated twice already. But he's hurt you. But he just saved both me and Yoongi in that apartment. But he could've had some bitch on the side while he was gone. But what if he didn't. Just assume he did.

I argued with my thoughts for a moment as Yoongi lowered me down onto the bed slowly. Instead of climbing next to me, he climbed on top of me. He laid his head on my breasts and pulled the sheets up over the two of us. I let out a minuscule sight of relief. I thought he was going to try something for a second then. I closed my eyes and after about a minute, I heard Yoongi snoring lightly. I smiled and let myself drift off into sleep too.

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