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i demand answers

wtf did i do


why were you ignoring me then
i was gonna tell you something
but you just ran off

why do you even care
it's just me
mackenzie frances ziegler

no, you're not just
mackenzie frances ziegler
you're my best friend

what did you wanna tell me

sophia and i are dating
i asked her to be my girlfriend
last week on saturday

"come in," mackenzie responded to who she thinks is outside of her bedroom door.

"sophia, this is my best friend mackenzie.. or kenzie. kenz, this is my girlfriend sophia." johnny introduced the two girls to each other.

mackenzie's blood started to boil as she found out that she had to third wheel.. on johnny's and mackenzie's movie night!

mackenzie excused herself and said that everything was ready but she needed to pee. this was the perfect chance to go and rant to nadia about what's happening.

"johnny fucking brought sophia to my house!" mackenzie whispered into the phone, furious.

"hang on, i'm gonna call mandla and tell him about this. just go and pretend you support!" nadia explained and hung up the call.

mackenzie took a deep breath and walked out the bathroom and back into her bedroom.

"we already chose a movie. sorry kenzie." sophia apologized and mackenzie made a face saying it was okay.

johnny and sophia sat on the floor beside mackenzie's bed and mackenzie had the bed all to herself.

mackenzie eyed her phone and saw mandla had texted something to her.

i have a plan
meet me at starbucks
tomorrow at 2pm


mackenzie looked back up and saw johnny look back at her. he looked away and mackenzie quietly sighed.

johnny know mackenzie was gonna have some major questions, he was getting ready to listen to her complain.

"bye kenzie, thanks for letting me come to yours and johnny's movie night." sophia grinned widely at mackenzie who was standing at the front door.

mackenzie nodded her head, she looked at johnny but didn't say anything. she shut the door and ran back up to her bedroom.

staring out the window as johnny and sophia entered his car. mackenzie sighed then covered her window with her curtains.

"she's honestly so nice, you have great friends." sophia brought up mackenzie during the drive.

johnny hummed a respond and paid attention to the road and didn't bother to turn his head at sophia.

"we've been friends since pre-school." johnny explained, sophia nodded and continued to look out the window.

a notification popped up on sophia's phone so she stared at it, reading it. before she decided to ignore it or not, johnny parked the car and turned his head towards her.

"i'll call you later tonight, see you, baby." sophia said her goodbye and kissed johnny on the cheek. "goodnight."

johnny already drove off and then made a call to darius. "bro. i swear if you're driving, you're gonna die."

"darius, i think i messed up."


tell me why i'm waiting
for someone
who couldn't give a
fuck about me
— timmies (ft. shiloh) ⋆

ooh john u messed up
hope you enjoyed!
see you next chapter
— bea ✎

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