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MACKENZIE looks at her phone in horror, her heart suddenly started beating faster as her hands shook grabbing her phone.

she answered and avoided looking at johnny, she saw at the corner of her eye that johnny was looking at her.

hey mackenzie!
— are you busy right now?

uh. i kind of am. —

i knew it was a bad time to call!
— mumbling something —

hayden? are you good? —
johnny's at my house right now. he wanted to talk —

ohh! explains the car in front of your house
— you already had one in the driveway and it was your car, but i saw johnny's and assumed someone was here.
— well never mind then, mandla told me to call you if you wanted to get ice cream with us.
— we'll go another time, but with you.

no that's fine! just go get ice cream, don't worry about me. —

we'll think about it.
— see you, kenzie.

bye hayden. —

mackenzie smiled and felt her cheeks turn a bit pink before she hung up the call and turned off her phone.

she turned her head back at johnny who was playing games on his phone.

"you didn't hear anything, did you?" mackenzie questioned and johnny shook his head in response, but still paying attention to his phone.

"i didn't hear anything your boyfriend said, but i clearly and obviously heard what you said." johnny responded to mackenzie and she nodded.

"well, if you wanna go get ice cream with mandla and your other friends you can go." johnny said and turned off his phone, finally turning his head towards mackenzie.

"no it's fine, i can stay with you. wanna watch a movie?" mackenzie replied rather quickly to johnny and he nodded.

mackenzie took the tv remote and turned on the tv, finding netflix and now searching for movies to watch.

johnny secretly smiled a little, a bit happy that mackenzie chose to stay with him and not leave him for mandla and hayden.

after a couple hours, johnny informed mackenzie that he had to go home. mackenzie nodded and stood up from the couch, walking him out.

after johnny put on his shoes, he paused for a second then turned back around. engulfing mackenzie in a tight hug.

mackenzie smiled and hugged him back, the two pull away and said there goodbyes. johnny waved from his car and mackenzie waved back before she shut the door and johnny drove back home.


none of the gossip
nothing can stop us
i wanna love you
with no fear
— dej loaf ⋆

happy jenzie chapter
100 votes 🤩
hope you enjoyed!
see you next chapter
— bea ✎

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