Chapter 3

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Melody's P.O.V

I was woken up by the door being slammed.

I open up my eyes to see a drubken Niall and a Blonde slut.

I coughed. And they acted like they didn't hear me.. But I know they did. I got tired of it and got out of bed and walked over to them. I grabbed his shoulder and pulled him away from her

Niall;"whoa- oh it's just you melodyyyyy, why'd you do that.!" He said getting angry.. but I didn't care

Me;" Niall it's •3:58• am I don't know about you but I have class at 7 so kindly tell the hoe to leave"

Niall;"the only hoe here is you" he said as the girl left then he closed the door behind her- well slammed it..

Me;" Niall you don't know me. And unlike you I've never had sex let alone a boyfriend!!" I said now yelling too

Niall;" no wonder.!!!"

Me;" I'm sorry I don't go around fucking everything that walks!!! Unlike some people I want to wait until I think I might have a future with them!!!"

Niall;" I don't fuck everything that walks, of instances I haven't fucked you nor would I ever want too!! And who would want to have a future with your fat ass self!!!"

I'm not ganna the last sentence kind of hurt because they say when people drink the truth comes out. So that must be what he thinks of me..

Me;" well you know what I'm glad you think that way.!!! And don't ever talk to me again.!!"

And with that I walked out of the dorm room and to the little park I saw down the road on my way to collage.. I figured by like twenty mins niall would be asleep and I could go back..

I went and sat on the little bench. With my phone in my hand. This park was really pretty their was those little Christmas lights in the trees and so the park was all lit up... I couldn't help but think of my family. Like my brother his wife and my nephew mayson he's three my little sweet heart i miss him a lot.!

When I was walking back I bumped in to someone I look up and see this guy seems like he's nice

Me;" oh I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention."

Lucas;" it's okay. my names Lucas"

Me;" I'm Melody, if you don't mind me asking why are you out at 4:30 in the morning"

Lucas;" I was on my way to my boyfriends. Why are you out"

Me;" my room mate came home drunk with a slut."

Lucas;" who's your room mate.?"

Me;"Niall Horan, why.?"

Lucas;" ahh that makes sense, and just wondering"

Me;" oh.."

Lucas;" well I'm gonna get going. But we should hang out."

Me;" yeah, here put your number in my phone" I say handing my phone to him.

Lucas;" yeah you do the same"

With that we treaded numbers an I told him I would text him after my classes and then I started to walk back to my dorm room..

•15min later•

I got to the dorm an Niall was asleep on my bed.-.

So I just set my alarm for 5:30 and when to bed in his bed-.-


"I'm up I'm up" I yell falling out of bed only to here someone laugh at me. It was Niall, man his laughter was so freaking cu-- wait!! what.?!

No it wasn't

I look at him with this face (-_-)

An then I got up and got clothes for today and go a shower.. When I was half way threw my shower I Heard the door open..

Niall;" will you please hurry up I want a shower I smell like strawberrys because that's what all your stuff smells like."

Me;"yeah. And why did you sleep in my bed.?"

Niall;" I couldn't sleep and I could smell strawberrys so in followed it an it was your stuff and I love the love that smell so I slept in your bed"

Me;" oh, well get out I'm done and I needs to get out"

With that I heard him walk out and close the door and so I got out and got dressed and then I walked out and Niall was laying in my bed again. Snoring so he was asleep.

I wanted so badly to Kiss him- what,?! No I don't !!

I walked over too him and lightly woke him up

Me;" Niall I'm out of the shower.. Now go get one"

Niall;" hu- oh okay"

With that I did my makeup light and checked my phone seeing I had a text from Lucas.

•Lucas :)•

Hey!! Just wanted to say good luck with Niall and I had sex with my boyfriend last night #feelingsore


Hey sexy;) and he's not that bad right NOW. &&' gross ! #gettinsick 😷

•Lucas :)•

Oh you know I am! And that's good and you wish you were me last night;) 😆

An what classes do you have today (in order)


No I don't 😆 and


Social Study's

Language Arts




Then volleyball practice

Then track.

•Lucas :)•

I have the same up the last too yay!! BestFriend!!! But what's said is Niall has all the same classes too. We'll be sides the last too. He has football when you have volley ball so you too with be out side at the same time and in bet he will be looking at somes ass.! ;)

I laughter at that only to here niall

Niall;" what are you laughing at?"

Me;" nothing"

With that I typed back a quick "whatever you say ;)" to Lucas and headed my way to my first class


I hope like it might update again later.? I don't know yet anyways

Love you guys

MeadowElizabeth xx;)

Room mates (Niall Horan Frat boy)Where stories live. Discover now