Day of The Purge

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I tapped my nails on the desk as I listened to my professor speak about the purge. I was really pissed because my first time hearing about it was last week and it was too late for me to try to move because they already started lock down so no one can enter or exit this town. While my professor continued talking, I so happened to look over at August. He was really quiet but every time he looked at me, I kind of got this weird feeling in my stomach. He looked back at me and slightly smiled. I looked down and blushed. Yeah, he's cute and really nice. I like guys that are nice and not conceited. By the way, I'm Ma'Lyiah Carter and I'm 19 years old and a freshman in college.

"Alright class. That'll be all for today. Now get home quickly, be safe, and Happy Purging." He said with a sincere smile.

In my mind I was freaking out. When I found out about the Purge, I bought a gun. If I have to stay here, I'm not going down without a fight. I gathered my things and as I was about to walk out someone grabbed me. When I turned around, it was August. We stared at each other for at least 5 seconds before he pulled me into a tight hug. I was shocked.

"Be safe." He whispered in my ear.

"Y-You too.." I replied.

He slowly released me then smiled and handed me a paper. I smiled back before taking it and walking out. Since my cousin and I both go to this University, we moved in together. I met up with her outside then we drove right home. I looked at the time. It was 6:12 p.m. I sighed and looked at my cousin, Kailey. She looked nervous. Shit, I am too.


I picked up my phone and seen that Alisa was calling me.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Girl, open your door right now. I'm pulling in your driveway." Alisa said.

"Okay." I replied then hung up and opened the door.

I watched as Alisa rushed out of the car. She had a duffle bag with her. She locked her car then walked ran in.

"Calm down. We still have like an hour left before it starts." I said.

"I know that. That's why I came here so quickly. I'm staying here with you guys. I can't stay home by myself." She said.

It was fine with me. I wouldn't want to stay home alone on a night like this either. I haven't known Alisa that long so if would be nice to kind of get an understanding of her while she's here.

"What's this?" Kailey asked.

I turned to her to see that she had the paper August handed to me.

"I don't know. August gave it to me." I replied.

"And you didn't open it?" Alisa asked.

"Um no? I was kind of more worried about getting home." I said.

I grabbed the paper from Kailey and opened it. It had a number on it and it said 'text me when you get home'. I pulled out my phone and saved his number before texting him.

M=Ma'Lyiah A=August

M: I made it home..

A: Are you by yourself?

M: Nope. My cousin and a friend is here.

A: Good.

M: Are you alone?

A: Don't worry.

M: If you are, you can come over here.

A: I'll be fine :)

The Purge (ft. August Alsina)Where stories live. Discover now