Country: Kingdom of Kolkaim.
Human Name: Linke Cadance
Government: Monarchy
Continent: Antarctica
Gender: Male
Orientation: N/A
Age: 2400 years
Physical Age: 21
Height: 5'4"
Weight: 120 lbs
Personality: Quiet, Happy, Not very assertive, weak.
Likes: Snow, Vodka, bread (he really likes bread), cats.
Dislikes: Americans, Fighting, dogs scare the shit out of him.
Other: He knows a lot of languages and each slang term built up his language, Kolkaimish.Relationships:
America- When Kolkaim was first discovered, America tried to colonize him and take his resources. He was eventually left in the cold and developed a deep hatred towards the American.
China- Kolkaim was refounded by China, who treated him way better. He liked living with China and felt safe there.
Japan- Kolkaim and Japan have a close but not so close friendship. He and Japan trade materials all the time, helping Kolkaim to live easier and Japan to build things more eco-friendly.
Russia- Russia ended up taking Kolkaim from China. He was under Russian rule for 200 years before fighting for his freedom, only to be captured by Sweden 3 years later.
Sweden- He didn't mind living with Sweden, as he got to go to Nordic meetings and really loved hearing about everyone's mythology. Denmark fought Sweden over Kolkaim, Norway ended up stealing him while they fought, just to get stolen again by Finland.
Finland- After being claimed by Finland, Kolkaim was granted freedom and Finland as an Alley. It's safe to say Kolkaim and Finland are really good friends.
Romania- Romania and Kolkaim were allies for a long time. Romania kinda imprinted on Kolkaim's culture as far as beliefs go.
Germany- Hahahahaha no. Kolkaim doesn't like his dogs.
I want to rp with this Lil boy.