The Match In Basketball

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As Riko and Hyūga were up against Midorima and Takao, Kagami, Kuroko and I were cheering for Riko and Hyūga! Riko took the ball first! As she was dribbling, she passed to Hyūga and he made a three-pointer! "woooo! Riko! Hyūga!" I cheered as they try to score again but Takao takes the ball from Riko and passes it to Midorima and as Hyūga tries to block him but he's just too tall.

As I stopped the game for the other games, the score ended up being 60-30 Midorima and Takao. "good game!" I tell Riko and Hyūga while hugging them.

"Kise and Aomine vs Kagami and Kuroko!" I yell but I found the time too late since school is tomorrow. "we'll have to cancel." "why?!" everyone asks me as I point at the time and say "my brothers and his friends are playing basketball here and will come any second." I then pushed all of them out my door and say "sorry, maybe I'll play with Seirin team in the winter cup, that's the next time we'll see each other, do your hardest." I smirk as they wave to me except the GoM.

~next day~
As I went to their practise, I go to Riko and say "how do I sign up Riko?" "you have to sign the form." as I sign the form I give it to Riko and we shake hands as she says "what type of uniform do you want?" "I'll have.........number 3, same colours, tank top, really short shorts so I could move quickly." "coming right up!" she then goes to a box and takes the exact thing I say except there was no number. "sorry it doesn't had a number." "just give me an needle and a material."

As I sew the number 3 on, I wear the uniform but I didn't have to go in the locker room because it was only just Riko and I. As the boys arrive I show them my jersey "you guys I got my jersey!!" I said girlish as I hug Kuroko, "this time we'll play your way and my way of basketball Miu-San." I met Kiyoshi during in the middle of practise.

Then Riko and Hyūga tells us "we'll have one training camp at the beach and one at the mountain." As practise was over Hyūga tells us to assemble again, "right now we're facing a great crisis! Since we're holding two camps this year, we reserved cheap inns. And we'll have to cook for ourselves. That where the problem is cooking!" everyone except Kuroko and I started panicking, "then we'll just cook it ourselves right?" I say but someone says "but the training will make us pass out..." we then panicked but I could maybe secretly cook but I won't tell them.

As we were in the economics room with everyone and Riko, as everyone was waiting for the food, Riko made curry but........all the vegetables and fruits are uncut!!!!

"Isn't this a bit difficult to eat?!" I ask then Hyūga says "time to dig in...." Everyone was eating and it tasted......gross!!! As we kept complaining Riko says "I guess it doesn't......taste that good....?" She put her hands behind her and I saw her hands and they had bandages on her fingers, I then started eating it all and everyone was staring at me with wide eyes. "Thank you, it was delicious!" I put my plate away and hug Riko as I go back to my seat. I then started looking like I was fading away and gonna kill someone "Miu you look weird!!" Koga says as I stared at them. I then get the leftovers and start frying them, "Miu you know how to cook??" "Yeah I cook since my mom doesn't know how to cook." I then finish and show them "eh?! Somehow this looks incredibly good?!" "I just fried it."

As everyone was complementing my cooking, Riko asks me "Miu! Please teach me how to make curry!" "I don't mind but I can be a strict teacher." Then as I help her cook curry again she shows it to everyone and as we tasted tasted the same as before!!! I then said dangerously "Riko....? What did you put in the curry?" "I put vitamins, is it a problem?" "IT IS!!!" Everyone says but she replies with "but you need some protein." "Then just make a salad!"

~at the beach~
As we arrive, we see the sea which I got excited and took off my shirt since I was in my bathing suit and ran over to the water and swam "Miu it's not swimming it's training camp!!" "But it's so fun!!"

Then as we check our inn which was pretty run-down I ask Hyūga "where is the bathroom?" "Shut up Miu!" Then Riko comes out of the car that just arrives, "so Riko it's okay if I leave this over here right?" "Yeah thanks daddy!" "Ah but, if you lay a hand on my daughter, I'll kill you. Except Miu, she's a nice girl." "Thanks daddy!" We then go to the beach and Riko says "what Seirin needs to improve on is their individual player's abilities. You're going to do a regular program here. 3 times." Then Riko removes her shirt and skirt revealing her in her one-piece bathing suit. I then remove my shirt and tie up my hair "then let's start the training camp of hell." I say as everyone then starts playing basketball on the sand.

I can't move at all! This is harder than I thought, then Kuroko failed passing, Kagami failed to dunk, and I accidentally tripped and fell on my face. "Good work! We'll be relocating in the gym!" Riko says as we all run to the gym we realize that we can move better and we have improved!!

"Be careful with your stretches!" As I was stretching with Kagami and Kuroko, as I was making Kagami stretch, we both saw Kuroko as Kagami asks " something in your mind?" "Yeah'." "Is it about the new style." I say as he says "yeah but I'm rushing. I'm missing one more point."

~next day~
As I woke up I see Kagami toothbrushing so I walk over to him and scare him. "You're doing that on purpose! And look at your hair!" I then see I have a bed head so I run and comb my hair in 2 seconds. Kagami and I then notice that Midorima and Takao were behind us!! We all looked at each other with annoyance and surprise, as we were discussing Riko came to us holding a knife with liquid that looks like blood one her.

As we then eat our breakfast, Riko goes somewhere. "I'll find out what she's doing..." I mumbled.

~after beach training~
As we were done we head to the gym and find out......we're having combined training with Shuutoku!! Everyone except I were surprised and we were all wondering the same thing, how did they agreed with this?!

As we started Kagami was told to get drinks for everyone. I just sat on the bench the whole time and was twitching.

~next day~
During training, we played a practise game which Shuutoku won by 91-82 difference of 9 points.

After practise Kagami and I practise a bit on the outdoor court. Then Riko comes from out of nowhere and Kagami complains as why he's the only one that runs outside on the beach. "Try to jump!" I say and when Kagami did that he reached higher than the net!

Then as Riko leaves, I sense someone behind us as I turn around and I find Midorima, I had a smiling face as I didn't notice about the atmosphere between Midorima and Kagami. "hi! Shin-Shan!" "don't call me that." "Sorry!" I then just spin around and do a dunk in the process. "whatcha doing Shin-Shan?"

He ignores me and says to Kagami "don't tell me you can win in an aerial battle? Just because you're jumping high doesn't mean anything will change. It's not being worth called a weapon yet." "Kagami I hate saying this to you but he's right, it's not worthy being called a weapon." Then Midorima grabs a basketball and challenges Kagami to a match.....


Sorry but follow me and maybe vote if, I mean IF you like my story!!!

Okay peace out my little minions!!!

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