Chapter 6

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After doing this for the rest of the lions, we discovered who would be piloting which. Keith; red, Lance; blue, Jack; yellow, Shiro; black, and I was green. Allura ordered us off to bed after we had some "bonding" time with our respective lions. She was saying something about starting early to train and getting sleep, but Jack and I were too excited to sleep. We stayed up all night talking.

Allura sounded an alarm and called for all paladins to report to the bridge. Jack and I jumped but quickly hurried over. Lance was the last one out. He was complaining about beauty sleep before Keith interrupted him. "Why are we up so early?" He complained. Shiro added on, "we barely got any sleep.." Jack snorted causing me to giggle. Lance glared at us. "This isn't funny! I need my beauty sleep!" I giggle some more before speaking clearly. "What is sleep and how do you do it?" I giggle before looking at him dead serious. "Jack and I didn't sleep at all, so you can just shut the fuck up McClain"

Shiro looked at me and frowned. "Someone's a little touchy today," he teased. I growl and flip him off. "Watch it Takashi. That alarm almost sent me into a panic attack; I'm not exactly in the greatest mood." Shiro put his hands up in defense. "Chill Stabbington. I was just giving you a hard time." I giggle and nudge him. "I was just kidding." I turn to Allura. "What are we starting with Princess?"

Allura smiles, "Please, just call me Allura." She turns to address the team as she speaks. "Paladins, we will begin your training by doing a trust exercise. Each of you will get a chance to lead another paladin through an invisible maze. The walls of this maze are electrocuted and will shock anyone who runs into them. Your partner will be able to see the walls and has to safely lead you through."

I turn to Jack. "Don't even think about being a little shit to me," I threaten, "or I'll be a little shit to you too." Jack snorts and goes to say something, only to have Allura interrupt him. "Lance, you will be paired with Keith. Shiro, you will be paired with TJ. Jack, you will be paired with Lance once he finishes with Keith. Coran will lead you to the training room and begin the exercise. After everyone finishes, I'll meet you all back here."

Coran leads us to the training room and Keith and Lance start us off. I feet pretty good being paired with Takashi, seeing as how I know him well. I look at him and smile before wincing as I hear Lance cry out in pain. "OW! Keith!" he wines, "the goal is to lead away from the walls! Not into them!" I giggle and glance at Jack who's holding in a laugh. Takashi looks at me and smiles. "I promise not to do that to you," he says calmly. I smile back and respond with a simple "as do I," before looking back at Lance. As we all finish, Takashi and I the only ones without burn marks, we head to the bridge to hear what Allura has planned next.

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