chapter 5

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I don't know what to name This so it's called 'chapter 5'

I ran to the door and the door was...


I ran as fast as I could to the door down stairs and the door down there was UNLOCKED TO!!!!I ran to get my phone when I heard a scream of pain up stairs so that was my time to go I ran out side and I manege to get in side the bush and call jimin my very best friend.

I called jimin and he picked up! "TAE TAE ARE YOU OK WE BEEN LOOKING FOR YOU EVERYWHERE!! " jimin yelled through the phone "jimin help m-me I n-need you to come as fast as you can to the address *******"I said as a whisper but loud enough for him to him hear me " WHAT HAPPENED TAE!! "jimin yelled "JUST HURRY I think he is outside looking for me" Then I hung up the phone because I heard rustling out side then I heard "come on tae your just making this worse for yourself so come out" I know that voice it was jungkook.

I was now shaking in fear when he got closer until I heard a car horn from far distance I ran out as fast as I could I saw jimins face with shock jimin stop the car I heard very fast footsteps behind me when I was running I stopped in front of the car and jumped on it to the top. "Come here tae tae" Jungkook said in a very creepy way I got chillz from that "NO GO AWAY I DON'T LIKE YOU JUNGKOOK" I just realized what I called him he growled so loud and jumped on the car and I yelled "GO JIMIN!!! " and jimin just dorve and jungkook fell in the street i just laughed but I almost fell off myself when jungkook was out of site I yelled "STOP THE CAR!!!!! " and when he stopped the car I flew up. Jimin jump out the car and help me up.

Later on  in the day I made it to my REAL home.I jumped in excitement jimin saw me and said "you must really miss this place" "YEEEEEE!!! " jimin just laughed I missed that laugh his smile every thing about him  I miss

There was this bitch talking about my grammar and shit like I give TWO SHITS if y'all don't like this fucking story then get out like is it that hard for you all? If you don't like it then GET OUT!

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