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Hey my set readers y'all missed me (no the fuck y'all did not) well IT'S ANOTHER SPECIAL DAY IT'S YOOOOONGS BIRTHDAY!!! ANTAEWAY on to the story


I was being dragged and I was kicking around jungkooks hair was in his face and head a blank look on his face while dragging me by the leg I was kicking my other one I finally kicked his hand really hard and he screamed and let go of my leg I scrambled away and ran as fast as I could. I saw Jimins car from far away and I was jumping while running I heard super fast footsteps behind me and I looked back and saw Jungkook running super fast towards me with a super angry face I ran even faster "BITCH STEP GO FASTER!!!!! " I yelled surprising he heard me and went even faster 'FUCK FUCK FUCK I AM GOING TO HAVE TO JUMP ON THE CAR WHILE HE IS DRIVING FUCK! ' I ran faster 'OK 3...2...1!! ' I jumped super high onto the car and I MADE IT!!WOOHOOOOOOO" I yelled hold onto the car and yelled "JIMIN GO AS FAST AS YOU CAN!! " He made a sharp turn and went down the road "SEE YOU LATER JUNGCOCK" I yelled and I looked up at the road and smiled I forgot o was on the car I looked back and saw him stop running and smiled creepily and he just waved "this bitch is crazy as a motherfucker" I said out loud.

After me being on top of the car fi about 45 minutes from now we made it and- HOLY MOTHER OF FUCK IT'S HYUNGS BIRTHDAY I look up to get a lot of wind in my face and hit the car "JIMIN STOP BUY THE STORE!!!!!!!! " I yelled I could see people looking at me like I was a person on crack "THE FUCK YOU LOOKING AT" I yelled and they looked away while we passed by.

After we made it to PARTY CITY we walked in I got all the stuff and we bought it and I got in the car his time and went to yoongis favorite coffee shop and put all the decorations up and we called yoongi

Beeeeep beeeeep


I love tae:come to your favorite coffee shop now

I say that and hung up

We waited and we are hiding at the moment. We heard the door opened and we jumped up and yelled "SURPRISE!!! " he gasped and covered his mouth with tears in his eyes Jin came out with the cake and put it on the table me, Namjoon, Jin, Jimin and hobi went up to him and hugged him "we love you yoongi!! " Hobi screamed "I love you all so so so much" He said and cried we hugged him and took him to where the cake was "you guys ready? " I whispered and they nodded "3... 2...1 Happy birthday too you happy birthday too you happy birthday too yoongi happy birthday toooooooo yoooooooooou" He all sung together "make a wish" Jimin whispered yoongi closed his eyes and blew the candles out "Yay! Now time to eat it! " I yelled we got the knife out and cut the cake I put it on the plate and gave yoongi the biggest piece he smiled at me and got a fork and ate it and I gave the other some.

After we had his party we cleaned up and everyone went home and me and jimin went to yoongis house and we watched movies and ate some pizza and we all got sleeply and so we went to bed "GOODNIGHT GUYS! " I yelled out they said it back andwent to sleep and I locked there doors I locked everything and went into the bed and covered up and slowly went to sleep and the darkness filled my vision



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