The Morning After

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*Brent PoV*

I woke up. The first thing I noticed was my splitting headache. I had drank waaay too much last night and so had everyone else. The second thing I noticed was that I was completely naked. This was odd because I always sleep wih at least boxers on when we are on tour. I lay there trying to remember what happened last night when I heard the soft slow breathing of someone next to me. I froze. Why was someone in my bed. I listened for a second and started to panic. I knew that breath, but usually it was coming from above me, not next to me. I sat up as slow as possible to check and see if I was right without waking up my bed-mate. Damn, I was right. It was Zach. This was not good. I knew I had to get out before he woke up so I began to plan my exit strategy. I realized I was in Zach's room, which worked to my advantage. I got up as carefully as I could and, thankfully, Zach was still dead asleep. I located my clothes and found, with relief, my phone, wallet, and and room key in the pockets of my jeans. I tried to make the bed look like no one had slept on my side and checked for any other incrimminating evidence. Good thing I did too, because I found two used condoms next to the bed on Zach's side and one unopened one next to his side of the bed. This sent the knot that was slowly building in my stomach spinning, but I puushed away all thoughts of last night, tossed the condoms in the trash and covered them with tissues so Zach wouldn't see. I left without a sound.

*Zach PoV*

I don't know what finally woke me up but when I opened my eyes it was almost one in the afternoon. Thank god we had a few days off becuase my hangover was debilitating. I had to pee so I moved to get up and was met with a stabbing, burning pain in my rear-end. "What the fuck!" I groaned out loud. That was definetly not there yesterday. I was black out drunk by the end of the night so I had no idea what had happened and I'm sure most of the guys were pretty far gone too so I wasn't too hopeful about getting some clear answers. I carfully got out of bed and waddled to the bathroom to do my business and get some water for my headache. The pain got worse as I walked so I layed back down on my stomach and grabbed my phone to text Eric.

Z: Yo what the actual fuck happened last night?!?!

E: IDK. It's pretty fuzzy and my head is about to split in half.

Z: Same. How TF did we get back to the hotel?

E: IDK. Come to my room. It'll be easier to talk. Phone to bright.

Z: K

I tried my best to walk straight but ended up limping to the side anyways. I figured I could fake a leg injury if anyone asked about it. I knocked on Eric's door as lightly as I could. He opened it after a few seconds and said, "Damn you look like shit!" He didn't look too hot himself with his eye bags, slouched posture, and hair sticking up in every possible direction. He let me in and I gingerly sat down on his bed. "You ok?" he asked. "Not really." I said. "I think I really fucked up my leg pretty bad last night. What can you remember?" "It's kind of fuzzy but I know you were up on the bar at some point. You and Brent left together before Barry or I did. I lost my shirt. Oh, and Barry is still MIA.", he replied. I was surprised we went so wild, but this week had been nonstop shows so guess we just wen't completely nuts. "Well, we should probably call Barry.", I suggested. We did and it turned out he was in Sparky's (the guitar tech) hotel room a few floors up so he said he would come down. He showed up a few minutes later without pants on. He said he had his phone and wallet, but couldn't find his jeans anywhere. We asked him what he remembered. "Well, we were all going pretty hard. I remember doing some shots playing pool and drinking fuck ton of beer. Eric, you were so drunk you fell off your stool at one point. Zach, you and Brent spent most of the night hugging it up and then you got on the bar and tried to say something about how this was going to be the best night of your life and then Brent grabbed you and you guys left. After that its just fuzzy of snippets of me and Sparky chilling in his room." He definitely remembered more than Eric or I did but I was confused as to what he meant by me and Brent "hugging it up". I asked him what he meant and he and Eric just gave each other this knowing look. Eric answered for him, "When you two get drunk enough you just go back and forth about who loves who the most and you just always have your arms around each other. Its kinda cute, but hella gay" he chuckled.  That word hit me like a ton of bricks. Gay. It would explain the pain in my butt if Brent and I had slept together, but that wouldn't happen. I wasn't gay and he wasn't either! Besides he wasn't there when I woke up and it didn't seem like anyone else had slept there and left. I couldn't really get the idea out of my head though and I figured that I better talk to Brent to see what he remembered.

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