Ch.1 The mute three

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" Hello there. I'm Aiko. You should know me. Because I'm making this book. I will be the narrator. I just want to say that."

" Anyway Aiko started to the story." Alakan and the others said

Yugi's POV

'Let's go guys.' I signed

'Alright.' they signed then we started to walk to school. When we turned a corner to where the school was. We saw them you should know who. Making out. Not just Yami. If you can asking. Nope. It's Bakura and also Malik. We three ran in the school. We ran to the rooftop. 

'May I ask a question?' I sighned

'Sure what is it.'

'WHY? WHY? WHY DID THEY DO THAT TO US.' I signed very fast

'I don't Yugi?" signed Ryou


Aiko: They still can't see us

'Let's just go to class.' Marik said

Aiko: I'm going to put said. I'm getting tried saying signed. You know there mute. Right -_-?

We three nodded. Then walked to class. But then we got blocked by there girlfriends.

" Gosh not again." I said in my head. I waved so they know I am saying 'hello'. But they don't like us. They beat us. Yami's new girlfriend always beat's me. Bakura's one beat's Ryou. And you should now what Malik's does to Marik. And also they just were standing there. We three gave them blank faces and looked at, each other with those faces. Then we just walked pasted them. But all of a sudden. We three got it with a book. Also if you are wondering what they are wearing. There like wearing there bra. Is that like against the dress code. Like what the fuck.

Aiko: If you are a girl/women like me then. You should know what we wear for sports. 0-0. Wait why I'm saying this?

Also there wearing skirts. Wait I am to. We three are also wearing skirts. BUT NOT THAT SHORT. We then got tired of them just standing there, so we grabbed out whiteboards. Then write.

" What is it?" 

They read it then just smiled. We just then write.

" Why are you not with your boyfriends sluts!" 

Also we write that on our whiteboards. At the same time. But they did not answer that queastion. But we know that they are mad. So we ran down the hall. We looked behind us and saw they where running after us. We looked ahead of us and saw them. It was to late to stop running now. I ran into Yami and Ryou, Bakura then Marik, ran into a Malik. We fell back and we landed on the ground. The girls that were running after us. Stopped. And they quickly put on fake blood and scratches. To make it look like we beat them. Sure they did nothing to us. Yet. Then I looked at Ryou and Marik and signed. 

'Great.' we three looked at them with blank faces. " What happened babe" the three said to there girlfriends. " They beat me up." Then I signed.

'BITCH I'M SHORTER THEN YOU. HOW CAN I BEAT YOU UP. LIKE LOOK AT ME.' I was the only one who signed that. Because Ryou and Marik are not short like me. But then we got our whiteboard. And write.

" No we did not." -_-

" Then how did they get hurt?" Yami asked

'Dumbass.' I signed to Marik and Ryou and they both nobbed and signed back.

'They three are.'

" WHAT DID YOU SAY." Bakura yelled

"Nothing." we write then we put the whiteboards back in our bag. Then we tried to walk away. Keyword tried. Before we can ever turn around. BUT GOT SLAPPED IN THE FACE. But we knew this was going to happen. " Stay away from them." The three said 

Ryou, Marik and I. Moved our months but nothing came out. But we tried to say. " But I love you." Or . " They came after us." The second part is true the first one is not. Wait yes it is. BECAUSE WE STILL LOVE THEM. I hate this thing called love. " Stay away from them you mute freaks." they said again. We just had tears in our eyes. Saying nothing. " Say somthing." they said

" Oh wait you can't because your mute." they said again

We just ran away. Like....always



Alakan: Nope

Saiya: Never


Saiya: We know

Aiko: Pls I won't try and kill Yami again

Alakan: Ok *let's Aiko out*

Aiko: Free. Free from sexual offenderman. Also if you know me in real life like. I hate offenderman. If he is real and you lock me in a room with him. He might ra.... Do I dare say it. He might rap me. Maybe? But I will not last long in that room. I might kill him. Or find a away to get away from him. Splenderman I'm ok not offenderman. But did I spell that right rap? Anyway let's say bye guys.

Alakan,Saiya,Adalie,Adellah,Amsah and Aiko: バイ  

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