Chapter 8

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I woke up to the sound of someone singing in the shower.

'Im gonna swing, from the chandelier! From the chandelier!'

''Ugh.'' I groan pulling Mistys blanket on top of my head. Don't get me wrong, I love Misty-I do she's awesome. But her singing voice...not so much.

I peek from under my light blue cover, in hopes to get a look at the time of her clock.


Oh crap. We only have an hour until school starts, and she know I have a Chemistry meeting today! Why the hell didnt she wake me up? I get out the bed with a sigh before hopping to the mat-which slid dangerously as I did so- to keep my feet from touching the cold tile floor. I need to remember to tell Misty's parents that carpet is a nice thing to have.

I bend down and open my drawer-yep we have drawers in each others rooms, because I practically live in her house, and she practically lives in mine. I pull out a black shirt that says 'Love Forever' and turn to grab my matching jeans from the bed only to bump into Misty herself.

''Well good morning to you too Misty. I love the way you didn't wake me up when you know I have a meeting in the cafeteria this morning.''

Her green eyes widen in shock. ''Oh shit, I completely forgot all about that-it's just, you looked so comfortable, and I didnt want to disturb you.''

Aww, she didn't want to disturb me? How sweet is that? I can never stay mad at her for such good intentions. ''Oh, Misty im sorry I didnt know you just wanted me to sleep in and not get any extra credit.Thats so sweet-really, im drowning in the honey.''

Misty shakes her head with a small smile. ''Always the sarcastic one Rosie.''

''And dont you forget it.'' I say risking a jump to the cold tiles to get my jeans, and other necessities.

''The showers all yours.''

''Thanks.'' I say then glance at my phone, 6:34. Crap, I gotta get headed to the shower.

With that I hop to the bathroom.


After getting dressed and blow drying my hair-which I just throw into a ponytail- I walk downstairs and immediately perk up at the smell of blueberry pancakes.

''Mmmm, my favorite.''

Misty smirks. ''Your in luck. There my favorite too.''

I resist the urge to roll my eyes, and instead just keep the big smile on my face. ''Really? I didnt know that. I've been friends with you for 10 years, you would've thought that id have noticed your love for the same kind of pancakes as me. Aww shucks.''

''I hate you.'' She says setting down my plate filled with pancakes-oh and bacon.

''Oh, but I love you.'' I grin taking a bite of the delicious pancake.

Misty flicks me off with a smile and I laugh. I love the playfulness in our friendship, we're basically sister's and the way we joke around is no different.

''Wheels rolling in 10, Rosie.''

I take another bite of my pancake. ''What is this, Criminal Minds?''


We take her car today, which is completely fine by me. Most kids say they love driving, but I dont really care much for it. It's actually quite exhausting-especially when you're driving people all around the world. It can get pretty annoying too. The only thing I love about being behind the wheel is the fact that I can determine the speed of the car.

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