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When I first met Tom he was a jerk.

Like really a jerk.

He was rude, and mean and cruelly sarcastic.

He made fun of me in grade 8, picked on me in grade 9 and embarrassed me in grade 10.

In short, if someone would've told me that I would be close friends with Tom as I am now, I probably would've laughed in their face.

I would've never believed that I'd actually get to know the guy.

Let alone, watch him take a bullet for a psychopath.


As soon as the gun went off, my whole world went from chaotic to frozen in a matter of seconds. And not the good Frozen.

Something akin to watching the climax to a movie, I stood eyes wide, and stuck in shock.

Tom must've sensed that Connor wouldn't have been able to hold back with all of David's teasing, so he quickly lunged into the fight in order to push David out the way, but ended up putting himself in front of the bullet in the process.

Tom was fast, yeah, but sadly not fast enough to dodge a bullet not even 3 feet away.

Seconds after the shot rang out, four things happened in that moment. One, Tom dropped to the floor, two David ran out the door and Misty ran after him, three, Connor dropped the gun with wide eyes and lastly I rushed over to Tom's side.

He was steadily bleeding from the wound in his stomach, and when he saw my panicked expression, he quickly tried to calm me-even though he was the one in pain.

''Hey, H-hey. Calm down Rose, just breathe. Im alright, okay? This isn't my first time getting shot.'' He rasped.

My eyes widened.

''2 years ago, in the shoulder.'' He explained like any other conversation.

''But Tom, this isn't your arm. It's your stomach. Lots of important organs in there.'' I whispered.

Tom opened his mouth to speak, but all that came out was a painful groan.

''Connor, call an ambulance!''

There was no sound.

''Connor?'' I said, turing around only to find Connor staring wide eyed at me and Tom.

''W-what did I do? I-I didn't mean to, I don't wanna go to jail, I I'm sorry.''

''Hey.'' I said, putting a hand on the red-heads shoulder. ''It's not your fault.''

Connor didn't seem convinced, but he still grabbed his cell and called an ambulance-and the cops.

''Hang in there Tom. Hang on.'' I whispered to the dark haired guy who was fighting to keep those grey eyes open.


It seemed like forever for the ambulance to arrive, when in all honestly it was probably only about 6 minutes.

There were two men who put Tom on the gurney, before wheeling him out of the place.

All the while, I simply stood by the door in shock, watching as everything played out before me.

"Hey let go of me!!" David's shout interrupted my thoughts.

I looked over and saw that he was being shoved into a cop car, and a part of me wondered. 'Did he really deserve to go to jail?'

I don't know to be honest... My thoughts are all jumbled up now.

My eyes flicker to Tom who's being put on a mini respirator.

Nothing makes sense anymore.

Misty is comforting Connor by his car and I simply stand here waiting for-

Well I really don't know.

I sigh. All I wanted to do was go to England and just escape the worries of this town, but it seems as though my determination has led me back to many more problems.

And after all that's happened...

I don't think I'll be getting out soon, let alone going to England.

- -

A/N: Is that the end?

Yes, I believe it is.

Well suckish ending, is a suckish ending. What can ya do?

Oh- I have an idea! You can look forward to our new story coming out in May! It'll be awesome. I swear 👊

-Misty_heartsgrey xx

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2015 ⏰

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