Chapter 13

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Arriving at Misty's house with such new information makes me feel weird.

The fact that im not telling her any of this makes me feel...well, like a bad friend.

I know im keeping this a secret from her for her own good, but it still feels wrong not telling her this. If the situation was reversed, I would definitely want to know if my brother is alive, no matter if he was in a coma or currently the freaking Pope. All that would matter to me is whether or not he's up and breathing.

Another thing that worries me is that I told my dad before her, but I absolutely had to tell him that valid piece of information. He's an FBI agent so I can trust that he will keep this a secret without a doubt.

I enter the house to find Misty lying on the couch texting on her phone.

''Who ya textin, oh let me guess, Connor?''

While I expected Misty to turn around with a bitchface, I was actually quite shocked when I saw the blush that coated her cheeks.

''No.'' I say, almost in a scandalous manner.

She hides her face into the pillow, and I let out a gasp.

''So really? You and Connor? Like seriously? When the hell did this happen, and why am I just finding this out now?!''

Misty's head suddenly emerges from it's buried place in the sofa and she raises an eyebrow. ''Nothing 'happened', okay? We're just talking.''

''Oh yeah, sure. And I don't believe in Johnlock, you can just save the lies missy.''

''Johnlock?'' She asks with a smirk. ''Really, Rose?'',

''Hey don't flip this on me!'' I say. ''We're talking about you.''

She sighs with a smile, and I take a seat next to her.







''Sierra!'' I laugh

''Fine.'' She agrees with a roll of her green eyes. ''Well, im pretty sure you know all about me and Connors history, and to make a long story short, he asked me on a date for tomorrow, and I agreed.''

''Really?!'' I gasp. Sonnor is so fucking cannon right now! I knew it! I said it!

''Rose, are you okay? You're doing that thing which kinda looks like your fangirling from the inside.''

''Oh...hah.'' I laugh awkwardly. ''Im not...duh.''

''Okay...'' She says hesitantly, looking at me out the corner of her eyes. ''Anywho, I want to ask you do you think I made the right choice? I mean, I know i've known him for a while, but that doesn't mean we're suddenly compatible because of how long we've been around each other. But, I really don't know, what do you think?''

Oh my God date him! Freaking marry him!

I smile a little. ''I think you should give him a try. He may be good for you. He has a nice personality that matches yours perfectly. He's kind of like your missing piece.''

Misty smiles brightly at that. ''Thank you, Rose.'' She says, then pulls me into a tight hug. ''You don't know how much I appreciate having your approval on this.''

I hug her back just as tightly, trying to forget about what I haven't told her. This secret I'm keeping. ''Any time, Misty. Any time.''


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