Chapter 17 - To Asgard

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January second

You and Loki had decided to go to Asgard after Christmas and New Year. It was January the Second and you were packing your stuff.

"What taking you so long Angel Face?"

Loki walked inside your room. Well, 'your' room. It wasn't your room anymore. You shared it with Loki. The only reason he still had his own room was because he had a shitload of stuff which could never fit in your room. And sometimes Loki liked to be alone. That wasn't quite often. He loved your company, but when you were on missions, he always sat down in his own room. Or as I like to call it, his second room.

"I have to pack my stuff"

"You have been busy for two houres.."

"I don't know what to pack and it.doesn'!!"

You said as you tried to close the suitcase.



Steve said from across the hall

"Sorry grandpa!!"


You struggled to close it while Loki sat down on the chair next to you.

"You're gonna help me or what?"

"Oh no, I love to see this"

"I hate you"

"No you don't"

You smiled. He was right

After ten more minutes you finally succeeded to close it.

"Let's go"

"About time"

You walked towards Thor and Jane who were also coming. Jane was staying here for the night because everyone was invited for a New Years Eve party. It was amazing but your head was still spinning. You had way too much drinks

"Hi Y/N, how did you sleep?"

"I fell unconsious on the floor remember?"

She laughed

"Yes I do. How are you feeling?"

"Dizzy, but less then when I woke up"

"Have you ever been to Asgard before?"

"No I'm really nervous"

"No need to be. It's beautiful there."

"I mean I get to meet the king and queen. What if they don't like me?"

"I'm sure they'll do Y/N"

Thor said

"Now let's go"

One hour later

You had received your own room and were putting on an Asguardian dress. You were almost done when the door opened. You quickly took a knife which was laying on your bed (please don't ask me why).

"Easy Angel Face. It's me"

Loki walked in and gave you a kiss.

He looked at you and said

"I think your a little overdressed."

"Loki, this isn't even fully on yet"


He smirked

"Ohh ya nastay. Anyways, good you're here. I can't reach this zipper. Could you do it please?"

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