Chapter 02: Of Magic And Malice

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Circles upon circles, the woman said to herself as she drew another set on the floor of her room. Those who think to tread here will soon find themselves regretting their choice. The Old One will awaken soon, and I can't allow any interference from curious outsiders. She added runes within the set of circles, carefully penning them in blood from a small jar she kept in her robes. Only through the fires of chaos can this world be cleansed, and he will be the harbinger. The dwarves of old knew not with whom they made their pact. In their lust to slay the elves during that ridiculous war, they willingly allied themselves with pure evil... and the First Destruction was upon them. Soon the Second comes, with the awakening of Syth'yll. Even asleep, his power is of a magnitude not seen for an age, and when he awakens...

The woman, Salome Vosmus, finished the circle and stood back to view her handiwork. Satisfied with the magic circle of death she had created, she waved a hand over it and it was rendered invisible. Except for herself, any who would venture into this room would perish instantly.

The wards in your lair that keep you slumbering I have nearly deciphered, Great One. Once I do, I can undo them, and you will walk this world again, Salome thought as she sat at her desk. She picked up a crystal orb and waved her hand over it. It showed a room full of lava with a great number of glowing circles around a pit in the center of the room. Rest for now in your bed of molten rock, for you will be free soon.


"This is going to be a dangerous one," Raven said as he surveyed the available members of the Court. "What do we know about this city so far?"

Druscilla raised her hand, and Cheryl giggled. "Speak, honey. We're not in class."

"Yeah, all right. From what I understand about Master Bhagrim's story, he triggered some kind of magic trap. Plenty of different kinds of traps to pick from, too. The city itself could be warded, or it could just be a small area which he was unfortunate enough to step into. It could be a magic circle of some kind designed to punish those who intrude..."

"So, a mage is involved. That's just great," Raven said disgustedly.

"Not necessarily," Druscilla continued. "Some magic circles and wards can last indefinitely, long after the mage who made them died. If that's the case, then you'd have to be extremely careful going in. Who knows what sort of magic is in that place?"

"If you were there, could you tell?" Her brother asked.

"Sure. It's just a matter of being able to sense magical energies and then... oh, no. Uh-uh, don't tell me you're considering..."

"I am," he said. "Consider yourself chosen. Now, who else..." He looked about the room again, his eyes resting on Shaya Dupre. She was a thief, and could probably be useful when it came to disarming traps, but she wasn't magical. He skipped over her in favor of Jericho Alexander. "It's been my experience that magic and the supernatural go hand in hand. That's always been your department."

"So, is that a request, mate?" Jericho asked with a steely glint in his eyes. After Raven married Cheryl, Jericho was no longer suspicious of Raven's attitude toward his wife, Summer, but he still behaved coldly toward him. Raven wasn't sure if it was something he had said or done to the younger Shadow Hunter, or if Jericho was the one with the problem, and right now he didn't care.

Empire of Light: Book 5 - Ancient City Of EvilWhere stories live. Discover now