Character Profiles!

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Sorry,  people who read or click on my story.  I'm not sure when I'll get Chapter *enter name of chapter here* out yet. So to make up for my procrastination, I made Character Profiles! Plus, it's another way to get caught up!

But Lunanightstar, if you're creating this, aren't you procrastinating even more?

...Shut up.

Throughout the story, I'll update the Character Profiles chapter. Also, this character is like a filler. It really has no importance to the story what-so-ever. 

Character Profile one

Yuuto  Lunar: Main character

Description: Average height of 5 foot 6 inches. He has black hair with blue tips at the end. His hair is about half way down his neck and the blue color on his hair start about an inch before the hair ends. He has a somewhat young face. He also has lavender deep set eyes, like his mother and sister. He is very slim, but you can see his muscles on his body. Also, his calves are amazing! He has to walk about three miles to school everyday! 

Species: Reborn

Current situation: Lost his family's blue kimono, got into a fight with his friend Kenta, possibly getting suspended from school. Sleeping.

Status: Alive

Theme song: Am I wrong by Nico & Vinz

Character Profile Two

Kenta Latwite: Yuuto's best friend

Description: Tall, 6 foot 3 inches. He has shoulder length, solid black hair. He has really dark brown wolf-like eyes. He has board shoulders. His body type is thicker and more built then Yuuto's. His calves are also very toned as well, since he has to walk a farther distance to get to school. 

Also,he  does not have any speical powers. He is classified as a teepa. A teepa is a person who is born without powers in a clan where powers are inherited. This person is considered a runt of their clan. They are also called a human, since humans do not have powers.  Being called a human or a teepa is an insult to a member of a clan with powers. 

Species: Red Spirit Wolf (teepa) 

Current situation: Got into a fight with his bestfriend and is now spending the night at his house. 

Status: Alive

Theme song: Rise by Skillet

Character Profile Three 

Sora Lunar: Yuuto's older sister

Description: Slightly taller then Suki at 5 foot 6 and a half inches. Has short brown hair with purple highlights. She is two years older then Yuuto.  She is a warrant officer for the military police and is in training to become a cheif warrant officer 2. She looks almost exactly like  her mother and grandmother.

Species: Reborn

Current situation: Being harassed by her drill sergeant, Chris. Wants to create a Pro-Reborn Rights group.

Status: Alive

Theme song: Hero by skillet

Character Profile Four

Suki Lunar: Yuuto's mother

Description: Shorter than both her children at 5 foot. She has short, white hair with purple  and blue highlights. She has deep set lavender colored eyes and looks like she's in her twenties. She has a tiny, slim body and normally wears a white, purple, and blue colored kimono. 

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