Art - The Blood Moon

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Yes, this is my artwork of the Blood Moon that appears as a major plot point in both "Thorns of a Rose" and "Fruits of a Rose".

For those unfamiliar, this is a phenomena where every four years, the moon in the sky will glow blood red, hence its name. This red light has a particular effect on vampires, often putting them in a trance state. 

The moon has often been linked with disaster and madness, and even once theorized to be the warning of the apocalypse as vampires under its influence would experience nightmarish hallucinations, receive omens of disaster, or be sent into a maddening blood rage. 

Other legends state that vampire babies who are born on the night of the Blood Moon would be granted gifted powers that would either be blessings or curses.

One particularly well known legend of the Blood Moon is that it is able to bind the souls of two people if they dance under its light. There are many stories of vampires performing forbidden blood spells under the Blood Moon and how it resulted in their fates intertwining. (See "Blood Wars".)

As such being the case, vampires would use the Blood Moon to find their destined Soul mate and bind their souls together for eternity, thus giving birth to the name "the moon of lovers" for the red moon.

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