The device

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Texting has become so under appreciated and so overlooked in the past 10 years.

What's not to love about having someone take their time out of their day to pick up some fancy device, and potentially cause themselves carpal tunnel JUST to get in touch with you.

I find it extravagant, that someone sees my name, maybe smiles at it, and WANTS to know how my day has been. It sounds stupid to rely on something so needy from a device, but I love it.

It keeps people alive in the times they need it, it keeps people in touch no matter how far away they are,
Having a screen between people helps us talk about the difficult things in life,
It connects people in ways that don't even seem plausible, I know that from a personal stand point.

But, with every great creation there's an even harder downfall.
The fights, the left on read, the dread that fills during an argument when all you see Is "...", the mourning when you receive the worst of news the next morning, the anger thrown to around while hidden behind a screen, the pettiness created by something so unnecessary, the evidence texting holds, good and bad.

A good portion of the population see texting as a devils work, because of all the negatives to it, and the positives just become shut out.

I hope I can enlighten people, one of the other little joys of life: texting. Text your distant families, text the boy/girl in your class, text your friend that you saw yesterday, be connected with the people that are out of your reach. Life's short, don't take texting for granted, but don't grant it the privilege of becoming your life. Live on and off the screen, use it when needed. Prevent the downfalls, communicate-

For when things are both spoken, and not, it cannot be undone. Choose wisely.

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