Oof Camp: Cult Camp

118 14 130

^episode this is based off of^

It was a beautiful morning. Meg was asleep, snuggling with a small wood log in bed. As she snored, she listed of different types of wood. "Pine... Cedar..." Makes sense. Meg loved nature and camping! (Not literally but I'm David now)

Suddenly, the cabin door was slammed open by none other than Meg's co-counselor, Ace. "Gooooood morning Meg!" She yelled.

"Goooood morning, Ace! ..wait, this feels backwards." Normally, Meg was the upbeat and energetic one while Ace was the cynical and temperamental one.

"Yep! But today's the day!" Meg gasped at Ace's statement.

"You realized your love of Camp Oofington and everything it stands for?!" She said hopefully.

"Hell no!" Ace replied, throwing a newspaper into Meg's face, which caused her to fall to the ground. The front of the page had an ad for Camp Oofington on it.

"Help... wanted?"

"That's right! Found a stash of cash Oofington hid in the quartermaster's store behind a box of grenades."

"I don't know, Ace." Meg replied, standing up. "Are you really sure we need more help?"


A grenade is thrown though the window of the cabin. It lands on the floor as Sienna, one of the more... rambunctious campers, yelled "SORRY! FOUL BALL!"

"YES!" Ace answered very sternly as she grasped Meg's shoulders.


"Hello?" A muffled voice said from behind the door. "I'm here for the job listing!"

"Oh my God!" Ace exclaimed as she rushed over to the door. "Yes! This is-"

"-Gooooood morning!" The mystery applicant said right before she took in a big breath of fresh air. "Smell that fresh mountain air! Gosh, now that's the kind of nature you can't find in just any ol' neck of the woods."

"Oh dear lord no." Ace said. As she could see, this applicant looked and acted almost EXACTLY like Meg. Aside from the outfit and the hair color, they could be identical twins.

"Hello?" Meg stuck her head out the door.

"Oh, well, hello there friend! Where are my manners? My name is Rose. Your camp counselor applicant. I hope I'm not too late to submit my resume."

"Too late? You're the first one!" Meg announced with glee.

"Ha. Are you pulling my leg?"

"No leg pulling here! But we are keen on handshakes!" Meg extended her hand to Rose.

"Well, who isn't?!"

"The name's Meg! But my middle name IS Rose!" (I added the middle name part shhhhh-)

"Pleasure to meet you, Meg!"

"The pleasure is all mine, Rose! So what sort of experience do you have?"

"Well, sadly, my old camp was recently shut down." Rose answered. "And ever since, I've been searching day and night for a new group of eager young kiddos I can help educate and reach their full potential!"

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