The Beginning Of The End

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The Beginning Of The End


I learned that day everything you ever know, loved, believed in could be snached away in a matter of seconds. In a blink of a eye, in one single heartbeat gone.GONE. From that day I knew not to take a single breath of air for granted. Because that breath might just be your last.

The sunlight seeped threw my blue curtains groaning I turned away. I tried to ignore the annoying knock on my door. Knock Knock Knock. The same noise that awoke me every morning. I pulled my blue snowflake design cover closer to me.

"Elsa?" My younger sister shouted threw the door.

"Go away Anna im trying to sleep!" I wined.

I could picture her rolling her eyes. I stuffed my face into my pillow letting sleep slowly take over me. The sound of my bedroom door clicking open made me stir. Suddenly there was a pressure on my legs. Then the world started shaking EARTHQUAKE my eyes snapped open only to see a pare of familiar green eyes. Nope Just Anna.

"Elsa wake up, wake up, WAKE UP!" She shouted.

"Please go back to bed and leave me because I am sleepy so go away so I can get some sleep!" I sang tiredly pushing her off of me.

I heard her hit the floor with a thump. Slightly I smirked closing my eyes. I could here Anna huff just as I was about to enter dreamland I found my face coming in contact with hardword floor.

"Dammit I think you broke me nose!" I cried.

Quickly I got to my feet my sister stood there arms crossed her wild bedhead shot up in all directions. I touched my noses feeling wet warm liquid. I looked at the small amount of blood on my fingers and glared at Anna.

"Its just a nose bleed besides you pushed me off first!"

"How did you even get in my room I locked the damn door!" I exclaimed.

She smiled sheepish holding up a bobbie-pen. I signed crossing my arms, "Its Saturday!"

"Yah and you promised we could go shopping!" she reminded me.

I groaned, "Fine, Fine, just get out so I can get ready!"

"I'll be in the car!" she smiled running out of the room.Not even a minute later she came rushing back in, "Actually im gonna change first."

I nodded and watched as she ran away again. Sighing I slipped on some blue rip skinny jeans and a light blue tank top. I quickly did my hair to the left in a messy fish tail braide. When I was done I put on a pare of white flipflops before grabbing my keys.

Anna waited patently in the car she had her hair in two pig tail braids and wore a white sundress with small peach color flowers. I climbed in she had her brown cow girl boats on. I shook my head at her starting my blue colored car.

Before I could pull out of the drive way Anna had started blaring the speakers Imagine Dragons-Demons boomed loudly. Anna started singing along not to long later I joined her.

"Look into my eyes its were my demons hide its were my demons hide!" We sang.

I drove down the streets of Arendelle a small town big population. A frown found its way to my face as I pulled to a stop. There was atleast one hundred cars ahead of me. This is what I get for taking the high way.

Anna crossed her arms pouting, "Great were never going to make it to the mall!"

I shook my head ignoring her, "I wonder whats the hold up?"

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