Chapter 1

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(Peyton's POV)

Today is the day summer officially starts.

"Daaadddddd!! I need my car keys and credit card! I'm going shopping." I yell as I run down the stairs to the first floor.

I find my dad in the sitting room on the massage recliner reading the newspaper. As usual, he has his morning coffee in hand.

He fishes around in his pocket a bit, eyes still on his newspaper. He pulls out his hand with my keys and my credit card. I rush over excitedly. It will be the first time in weeks since I've seen my precious babies. I went overboard and got grounded for 3 weeks, which meant no car. And no shopping.

It was horrible.

Before I am able to grab my keys, my dad pulls the keys out of my reach. "Remember, watch your limit. We don't just throw money around like candy on Halloween."

Says the guy who has three cars. There is one meant for three different occasions. And he calls me spoiled.

"Yeah, yeah I learned my lesson." I hold out my hand for my items.

My dad sighs and hands them over to me. "Don't spend over 300. That's enough for one day."

Clearly he doesn't know how fashion works.

"But Daaddd. I haven't been shopping in three weeks. All my clothes are so ugly!" I whine, putting on my best pouty face.

"Dear, clothes can't become ugly in three weeks. Plus you have to learn to budget yourself. You're lucky, sometimes I think about giving you chores." He says putting down his newspaper to stare at me.

"How could you ever think such horrid thoughts Father! That's what maids and butlers are for right? And by the way, you obviously don't understand fashion." I say a matter-of-factly.

"Well yes. But my dear,what if -and I say what if- I were to say we were broke. And we couldn't afford this house or the butlers and the maids. But, we only had enough money to keep us under an apartment. How will you survive?"

"Oh but the horror, Father! I can not think of such things. I have to go now. Nice talking with you, but when a girl needs to shop, she needs to shop." I twirl around and leave my dad to his newspaper.

I walk the through long corridors of my house and finally reach the garage. The garage is huge. The walls are painted gold and there are five cars parked in a row. I head for my hot pink convertible. It's third in the row, directly in middle of all five cars. I slip into my car and put my key into the ignition. My car roars to life. I speed out of my garage and turn into the street.

After 15 minutes of driving, I enter my favorite place to shop. The Mall. Everyone smiles and greets me as I enter the building. Being the daughter of the founder of BLK Records, the largest music retailer in the country, has brought me much fame. Everywhere I turn boys are always drooling over me. It does help that I have a super model figure and have proudly won many beauty pageants. I proudly wear a size three.

I walk into Perfect Boutique, my favorite store in the entire mall. I browse around until I find the most amazing dress I have ever seen. It was a strapless sky blue ruffled dress with a white belt around the waist. I immediately rush over to the dressing room. All the people waiting in line immediately let me go first. I smile and take the biggest dressing room. The dress fell to a little above my knees.

Ah, perfect.

I carry my new dress around as I look for another outfit. I find this amazing hot pink sparkly dress with skinny straps. I go to the cash register and the same thing happened that happened at the dressing room.

The cashier totals up my items. Without looking at the price I hand her my credit card.

Holding my shopping bags on both arms I walk over to my car.

I drive back home feeling satisfied. Two dresses hardly makes me happy, but I never want to part from my credit card and car again, so I'm taking it easy. Plus I can always go back tomorrow and have the 300 budget again right?

I park my car and walk into my mansion. "Dad! Mom!!" I call out.

"We're in the sitting room," I hear my mom reply.

I walk towards the sitting room.

"How was shopping darling?" My mom asks looking up from her book.

"Fun, I only got two dress though. Dad said to watch my budget," I answer.

"Well honey, let's see if you stayed within your budget." My dad takes out his laptop. After a few minutes of his typing he finally speaks.


"What Daddy? It was only two dresses!" I complain.

"Did you even check the prices?"

"Well no.."

"Your total came to 750! What designer brand did you buy?"

"You must be lying. They didn't look designer!" I don't believe it.

"Well believe it. And you should also believe the punishment we're going to give you."

"Dad! It was an honest mistake! I was just grounded." I cross my arms.

"Peyton, Peyton, Peyton. What will make you learn? Boarding School?"

"Noo! Not boarding school. Anything BUT boarding school." I say horrified.

"Anything? Really?" My dad looks amused.

"Just ground me!"

"Honey that doesn't seem to work. I have a punishment in mind. Hopefully it will help you learn about responsibility." He has a thoughtful, yet mischievous look on his face.

"Dad tell me. I need to know. The suspense is killer!"

"Nope, now I have to make a phone call and get things ready," He gets up and leaves the room.

"Mom help?" I beg.

My mom just shakes her head and leaves.

"Ugh! Fine. I didn't even want to get grounded!!" I yell trying to make myself feel better, even though it wasn't working.

I storm up the stairs to my room. I make sure to slam my door as I close it.

To Alexis: OMG! My parents are like so annoying.

From Alexis: What's wrong?

To AIexis: I went a teeny-bit overboard during shopping. I only got two dresses though.

From Alexis: So what's the problem?

To Alexis: The dresses turned out to be super expensive designer brands. But like how was I supposed to know it was designer? It didn't look designer.

From Alexis: Are you in trouble?

To Alexis: Yeah. Like major. They won't ground me though! I hate it!

From Alexis: Why do you hate it? That's good right?

To Alexis: You're so dumb sometimes! No, that means they are going to give a worse punishment!

From Alexis: Geez. Whatever. Hate on your BFF.

To Alexis: Sorry. Anyways I don't even feel bad for going overboard. #sorrynotsorry LOL

From Alexis: Nice. G2g. Good Luck!

I feel a little better after speaking to Alexis. I decide to skip dinner and go to sleep.

I go into my luxurious bathroom and take a shower. The warm water feels nice against my back. I wash my hair and scrub my body with soap. Then I put my hair up in a towel turban. I wear my cute pink tank top and my hot pink pajama shorts. I then hop into my master bed that had a pink canopy rolling over the sides, giving me a sense of security. I let loose my hair and lay back against my pillow. Pretty soon I am fast asleep.

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