Chapter 6

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Potion class was the following day. Professor Snape asked Harry he said "Mr Potter I want to ask you if you can do these questions better than you did last year. What would I get if I added a powdered root of Asphodel to an infusion of Wormwood? Where would you look if I told you to find me a Bezoar? What's the difference between Monkshood and Wolfsbane?" Harry said imprecisely "asphodel and wormwood make a sleeping potion so powerful it is known as the Draught of Living Death. A Bezoar is a stone taken from the stomach of a goat and it will save you from most poisons. As for Monkshood and Wolfsbane, they are the same plant, which also goes by the name of Aconite." Snape looked impressed "Sir, also in the dictionary sense Asphodel symbolically means death, death of someone beloved to the person who offers Asphodel. Asphodel is also a lily. Wormwood symbolically means bitter sorrow. So in essence, you were trying to tell me that you loved my mum and that you bitterly regret my mum's death."

Snape was so flabbergasted "Well done Mr Potter you have learned."
Harry went back to his room he met his ghost friend on the way and said "hey Abraham what's up?" Abraham said "did you know since you are related to me you can do something cool. Go to your room and I will show you there." Harry went to his room and got into bed and Abraham said "pretend to shake my hand."  Harry did then he became a ghost. He was so shocked and almost fainted. Harry said "wow does that my next class with Flickwick I might accidentally do a wandless spell?" Abraham said "yes that exactly what it means"

The next day in Professor Flickwick's class he  said "Class our new charm we are working on is the patronus charm the incantation is Expecto patronum. It is the best protection charm, it requires a happy memory plus I think Harry could you demonstrate. You are a strong wizard and I think you can do this spell" Harry thought in his mind and then a rat, a dog, a wolf,  two deer, a snake and a Phoenix appeared.  The whole class gasped in amazement. Professor Flickwick said "now that's showing off, plus you must love your family the most  because the two deer means your Mum and Dad, a rat means Peter, a dog means Sirus, a wolf means Remus, but I don't know snake or Phoenix" Harry said shyly. "Well that would be my long ancestor maybe or I really love those animals." Hermione said "well done Harry, could you teach us in our common room afterwards?" The class finished and everyone went to their common rooms.

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