The nerves of love

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I wake up to the sound of my parents fighting,
I push my blanket of me and hop out of bed to get ready for a great day ahead. I open my door, walk down stairs and got to the fridge to grab the pancake batter to make my breakfast. I get the fry pan out, put a bit of butter in the pan and pour some of the mixture onto the pan. I feel a small lick on my left leg to find my dog Rag licking my leg, asking for attention. I quickly pat him by then flip my pancake to the other side. I serve my pancakes and head to the shower. I turn on the water, lean in the glass wall with my head in my folded arms and watch the steam rise to the roof. I quickly wash my body and turn off the water.
As I walk into my room, I realised how messy it is, it reminds me of my life. I get changed and walk to the front yard of my neighbours, waiting for my best friend Shelly. She isn't only my best friend friend but also, hopefully my valentine this year.
She walked out of her house and we started walking to school.
"Please can your parents stop fighting? I can't sleep properly" she said.
I look at her smiling "Well they are my alarm clock in the mornings" I responded.
She groaned at this and started talking about how she has a natural alarm clock and how I need to train my brain to walk up naturally. But when she thought she won I said "At least I don't stay up watching kid shows instead of studying for the English test today"
And then it hit her, of course she forgot about the test, she always does.
"Give... me.... your....... study..... notes...... NOW!" Cries Racheal.
We continue walking as Racheal panics and goes through my study notes. Then when we could see the school in sight, I started quizzing her.
We arrive at school and the bell rings, we walk to our English class, sat down and did our tests.
I entered out of my class, leaning against the lockers, waiting for Racheal. She comes out relieved, we start heading to homeroom and there was a notice about Valentine's Day.
"Hey, Racheal, I need to speak to you at recess" I said.
She looks at me with a smile and nods. The bells rings and we leave the room to our next class.

It's recess, it's time to tell Racheal something that's been on my mind for a long time. I wait at our spot, under a tree. She comes and we sit down on the grass.
"Racheal, I have a secret admirer, I've gotten letters from them and I don't know what to do?" I confessed.
She looked at me "Have you written them letter back?"
I nod.
"Do you have feelings for them?" She asked.
"I don't know who they are, plus, I like someone else" I reply, slow getting my hand to Racheals, then on top of her hand. She looked at me with a surprise and said "Well, if you have feelings for me, you do have feelings for your 'secret' admirer"

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