Chapter 8

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Five and a half years after Emily and Jax met and their life is so great, they been married for four years and their baby boy TJ just turned two and their excepting twin boys Jackson Nathaniel (Jr) and Jonathan Harry in four months and they can't wait. Jax wakes up early telling his wife that he had to go to work early the night before but the real reason is that his best friend Opie was getting out of jail today and he want to be there when he gets out so he gets up and gets dress, kisses Emily's head and stomach twice then walks in his son's room and kisses his head. Walking into the garage where his bike is, before getting on his bike he walks up to his tool box and reaches behind it grabbing his kutte and putting it on. Jax left his house driving to Stockton State Prison. Jax and a prospect make it to Stockton with ten minutes to spare. The prospect unloads the bike and leaves like Jax says, Jax want to be the first one to have to have time with Opie before all the brothers swarm him. When he see Opie walking out he starts yelling "welcome to the free world", Opie laughs pulling his best friend in a hug. After their hug Jax tells Opie "lets go gets some real food" Opie says "hell ya" and walks to his bike that the prospect dropped out. Meanwhile Emily is putting TJ's shoes on to go eat. She decided she didn't want to cook today so Pat's Diner would have to do, so she loads TJ into his carseat and starts the drive. During the drive Emily and TJ sing along to Outlaw In Me by Brantley Gilbert. Emily was obsessed with Brantley Gilbert so it was no shocker that her two year old knew Brantley Gilbert music word for word. Pulling up to Pat's Emily see's two bikes and prays it's not the biker she had that run in with a few years back. Grabbing TJ she walks inside and sees a table in the back, walking to the table she sees something that shocks her, she sees her husband and another guy but her husband is wearing a Son's Of Anarchy kutte. Emily says "Jackson" and she hears her husband say "shit", in that moment Jax felt like his whole world stop. Jax looked up to see his beautiful pregnant wife and their handsome little boy standing next to the table. Emily watches as Jackson stood up saying "I can explain, just here me out please" Emily nods and Jax tells Opie "give me minute" Opie nods and says "take your time brother". Jax picks up TJ and puts his hand on the bottom of Emily back and walks them to a table. The table is quite for a while before Jax sighs and says "I'm the Vice President of the Son's Of Anarchy and I've always have been" Emily then asked "why didn't you tell me" amd Jax sighs again and says "I didn't want to ruin my chances with you. You were my light in my darkest time and I didn't want to lose that. People see the kutte and see criminal, they see a monster and I didn't want you to see that when you look at me so I lied so I could have you in my life." Emily reached over and grabbed Jax's hand and said "baby you being in the club or wearing that kutte changes nothing about how I see you. Your a gteat man, husband and father and I wouldn't change you for the world. I love you. Yes I'm a little hurt that you didn't believe in us enough to tell me but I do love you and I'm not going no where" Jax squeezes her hand and said "come I want you to meet my best friend" so they got up and walked to the table he was just sitting. After they sat with TJ on his lap Jax says "Opie this is my wife Emily and our son Thomas who we call TJ baby, lil man this is my best friend and brother Harry who we all call Opie" Emily smiles and says "hi it's nice to meet you" and Oipe says "same" then Emily looks at Jax and says "wait Harry as in our babys middle name" and Jax smiles and says "yes, if it wasn't for him I wouldn't have met you. The day we met was the first time I went visit Ope, so I owe my happiness to him". They talked, laughed and ate, when it was time to go Jax help Emily put TJ into his carseat, kissed them and watched them drive off. Jax walked to his bike, sighed and said "I'm going to get bitched at" Opie laughed and said "why" and Jax said "the club and my mom doesn't know about Emily or TJ, I've kept them a secret for five and a half years" and Opie says "I think it's time to face the music brother". So that what Jax did, he went face the music. When Jax and Opie got to the clubhouse Jax yelled "if your not family leave" after everyone who was not family left Jax said "sit down I have something important to say and please don't talk until I'm finished" ao the brothers and his mom sat down and Jax took a deep breath and started talking "I know yall might hate me after this but I had my reasons. Five and a half years ago I went visit Opie for the first time and after I seen him I went eat at Pat's Diner. The place was packed but I seen a table in the back so I went to sit but when I got there a stunning woman was sitting there, she aloud me to sit and we talked until closing time. We exchange numbers and kept in contact. Soon we started dating and fell in love so in love that I asked her to marry me eleven months in only giving her a month to plan the wedding but the was she didn't know I was in SAMCRO, I hide my kutte from her and when we had to go on runs I told her I was going to pick up car parts because it was cheaper, well she didn't know until today when she saw me with Ope in my kutte. My wife is Emily from Emily's bakery but that's not all we have a two year old son Thomas John and were exspecting twin boys Jackson Nathaniel and Jonathan Harry in four months." Jax looks around the room and sees everyone speechless, finally his mom says "why didn't you tells us. We missed so much, I missed so much. I missed my only living son get married, I missed my grandbaby be born and I missed not only his first and second birth but also ever holiday with him" amd Jax says "I'll tell you what I told Emily, I was scared to lose her. I didn't want her to see the kutte and see a criminal and monster. I'm so sorry I hide them from you, I truly am" his mom gets up and hugs him saying "I want to meet them" and Jax smiles and says "you met Emily before many time actually" and his mom hits his arm laughing and says "ya I have you ass" then Jax turns to Tig and said smirking "remember two years ago I beat your ass for touching that woman well the reason was because she was my wife mot because you assault a woman and was bragging about it" Tig then said "shit man til this day I get nervous talking about women around you because I don't want my ass kicked" and everyone laughed. Jax then turned to his mom and said "you can meet them tonight if you want" and his mom smiles and says "yes, I will make a dinner, come to the house six thirty" and Jax says "we will bring cookies because Emily will not want to come empty handed" and his mom smiles and say "ok baby" Jax hugs her and tells everyone bye and went home to his wife and son. 

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