The days were dragging for Jax, all he wanted was to be done and back in Charming to his amazing girl. For the past five days croweaters were throwing themselves at him no matter how many times he told them no they would keep doing it until he lost his cool and snapped, yelling so loud that everyone inside and outside the clubhouse heard him. Later that night his club brother Chibs asked him what the outburst was about and Jax told him I told her and all the other sluts no and they kept pushing up on me, it's getting old you know, eazy girls, meaningless pussy. Chibs nods his head and said I get you man sometimes it gets old. Chibs left Jax alone to give him space, leaving hin in his own world. Later that night he
text Emily telling he he misses her deeply, loves her and would see her tomorrow night at eight then went to sleep. Emily was busy all day getting orders done and dealing with customers throughout the day but most importantly she was busy making sure the cookies and cake were perfect for Gemma. She didn't want to get on the bad side of Gemma but most importantly the Son's bad side. After a long busy day Emily went home and took a long hot bath to help her relax. After the bath she fixed her something to eat, then cleaned uo her mess and went to bed. While in bed she got a text that made her smile. From Jackson 😘💖: I miss you so damn much baby and I can't wait to have you in my arms were you belong. The days away from you have been dragging but I will be home tomorrow night at eight. I love you so much! Goodnight and sweet dreams beautiful!
That one simple little text made her whole day better, she could wait to see him tomorrow.
To Jackson 😘💖: I can't wait!!! Tomorrow can't come fast enough!!
I love and miss you so much babe! Please drive and be safe! Goodnight, I love you!
After she sent a text his way she called it a night and went to sleep dreaming of being in Jackson arms again.

Double Life (Jax Teller)
FanfictionJax Teller has been living two life's, one with his MC family Son's Of Anarchy and one with his secret family.