Chapter 9

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Jax walking into his home exspecting to be yelled at, screamed at but what he was met with wa the smell of fresh baked cookies and his son watching cartoons. Jax kissed his sons head then walked to the kitchen where he heard his wife and what he was made his heart skip a beat, he saw his wife humming and swaying while making cookies and he knew she wasn't mad. Jax watched her awhile before he made his presents known by wrapping his arms around her and said "please don't be mad" she sighed and said "I'm not mad baby but I want to meet your family" Jax said "ok baby but let me tell you about them first, come sit" after sitting Jaz said "You met my mom, many times. She goes to your bakery her name is Gemma." Emily looked shocked amd Jax said with a smirk "I know how could someone so sexy and charming come from an evil woman" Emily laughed and hit his arm at that and Jax said "ok here is my fucked up family story. My dad name is John Teller and he was in the army and when he got out he made a club Son's Of Anarchy with his friends Clay and his best friend Piney who is Opie's dad. He and my mom Gemma had two boys, me and my little brother Thomas, Thomas died when we were young with heart problems. A little after that my dad died and my mom married his best friend Clay. Clay is now the President of the Son's and I'm Vice President amd one day I will take my place as President just like my dad. The club is my family and I'm so so sorry I lied to you but I thought that by me being in a club you wouldn't give me a chance and also my mother can be a little pettt manipulating at times and I didn't want her to put things in her head. So please forgive me."  Emily took Jax's hams and said "baby I'm a million percent in. I love you and no one or anything will ever change that. Your stuck with me." She then leaned forward and kissed Jax. Jax then signed and said "they want to meet yall tonight" a d Emily smiled and said "great I have freshed backed cookies ready. Lets go" and Jax laughed and said "not til six thirty." At six twenty Jax, Emily and TJ were in the car driving towards Gemma's house and when they get there Emily see Harley's everywhere. Walking to the door Jax is holding TJ with his other arm around Emily and Emily is holding four dozen of cookies, Jax could feel the nervousness coming off of Emily and so he tells her "calm down I'm right here. I love you" then knocks on the door. Not even two seconds later Gemma opens the door and Emily is surprised when she pulls her into a hug and says "come in". Jax introduces Emily and TJ to everyone and Tig tells Emily he sorry about disrespecting her. When dinner was ready they all sat down at the table talking, laughing and eating great food. They had a great night and Emily found a new friend in Gemma and that made Jax extremely happy that all his family got along.

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