To the boy in the back

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Dear boy in the back of class
When you speak your voice turns me to putty
The raspy cracks to your deep tone
Every word you say
Just every thing about you
Your my total opposite
And that makes me want you more
I'm seen as array of sunlight warm summer morning
And you the deep ocean on a dark winter night
Your piercing eyes and scarred skin.
I want to know you more
and to breathe every breath of you.
You look at me like you see thought the outer layer
Like you see my every thought
Like I'm not from the sun but of the moon
And I wish I could talk to you with out turning red at thought
I wish I had courage at all
To speak to you and kiss your lips taste every bit of you
Every day I think to day I'll talk to you as you read your dark colored books with no cover
Or when you get coffee from my parents shop. I won't avoid the convo at the cash register. I'll speak not die from the rate of my heart.
Or when I notice you walk down the old country rode past my tree on the edge of town
To the boy in the back of my class
I really like you
But I have no courage to speak
One day I will but until then
~ sincerely girl at the front of class
Your complete and total opposite

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