Naj Nightmare X Cute, Shy Reader- LEMON- Library Lunches

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(This is set in a high school-, but you're the legal age to smash- just wanted to clear that up, because some people get their panties in a twist if you don't say shit like this.)

You're sadly in the classic tale of "boy next door".
You think he's fucking fit, but, you go unnoticed by this athletic jock, and watch him fuck around with other girls.
You sigh as you look out your bedroom window. Outside you see him. Sans.
He's dressed in football (or soccer, if you're American) uniform, and heading towards his car.

His eyes meet yours as he's opening the door, and he smiles.
This catches you off guard, and you freeze up, wanting to go and hide under your covers forever.

He signals for you to open your window, you hesitantly do, and he shouts up to you "hope you're coming to cheer me on!"
"Oh- I uh, don't have any tickets..."
Sans frowns a little "shame, maybe next time?"
You shrug "Sure, why not?"
Sans winks at you "that's my girl! i'll catch you later!"
You blush slightly, and smile "Good luck!"
And with that, he drove off.

You ran over to your bed, and practically screamed into your pillow.
You got a rush of excitement, and couldn't stop smiling.
Even if you didn't get together, you'll still get to spend time with him! And that's all you've ever wanted.

A few days have passed, and you're back in school, sadly.

Getting through the hoards of people at lunch is the biggest pain, and it doesn't exactly help that your throat closes up, and you get nervous every time you have to ask someone to get past.

Because you're (once again) in a nervous state, you drop some of your things on the floor, and now people are kicking it about, and just in general being assholes.

You stare at the floor for a second, and sigh, then bend down to try and pick your stuff up, but there's so many people around that its almost impossible.

You hear a familiar and stern voice asking people to move out the way.
You look up, and see none other than Sans.

"you want some help with that?"
You go to tell him it's fine, but he insists, and helps you pick your things up.

He passes you back your books, and smiles. You smile back, and thank him.
"no problem." Sans paused for a moment "would you like to have lunch with me? don't worry, you won't be surrounded by a bunch of football crazy dudes, it'll just be the two of us."

You fell silent, and ran that through your brain a few more times. Lunch with a new person? And an insanely popular person at that? Oh boy.

"I uh... Sure? Do... Today?"
Sans nodded "if you're free, that would be great."

You nodded "Yeah that would be! Uh, I'll just tell my friends, and I'll meet you... In the library?"
"sounds great." Sans winked at you once again, and started to walk away.

You took a deep breath in, trying to hide your beaming smile behind your books.

Running over to your friends, you let out an excited yelp, told them what's happening, and ran off again. They started at each other in confusion, but once they put two and two together, they got four, and got all excited for you.
"Have fun with your new boyfriend!~" You heard one of them shout, you rolled your eyes, but let out a giggle of excitement.

Once you got to the library doors, you took a deep breath in, then pushed them open.

You had a great time! You quietly talked to one another, and held back a lot of laughter- which was easy sometimes because he told some horrible puns.
You continued to meet up every lunchtime for a few months, you'd exchanged phone numbers, followed each other on social media, introduced each other to your friends, the lot. You had become very close with him very fast.

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