Chapter 1: First day out

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        “Why hasn’t he opened his eyes?” He recognized the she-cat’s voice it was Dewstream, the other queen. “It has already been 4 days since he was born, the others eyes have already started to open, do you think he is alright?” There was concern in her voice.

         “Calm down Dewstream, every kit takes his or her own time, he will open his eyes once he is ready.” This time the voice was low and the cat sounded irritated as though he was mad about the queen fussing so much.“I was just worried for your kit’s safety” Dewstream meowed hotly. The tom just snorted.

         “I know he is strong Dewstream, you can tell just by looking at him.” There was a pause before the deep voice continued. “Just because your kit’s have opened their eyes, it doesn’t mean they’re stronger than mine.” Rainkit’s pelt suddenly warmed as though someone was staring at him intently. He squirmed uncomfortably next to his mother Ripplesky. “Stop staring at him like he is helpless” The tom’s voice was stern.

         A voice replied, it was calming and full of love, “hush you two, he’s trying to sleep.” Rainkit snuggled closer to his mother, he could feel the vibrations from his mothers flank as she spoke. The she-cat purred, “it doesn’t matter to me when he opens his eyes, just as long as he remains healthy and strong.” He purred at his mother’s soothing words. All of a sudden something hit his back the weight wasn’t that heavy but it seemed to crush him.

         “Get up furba-” The she-cat voice cut off.

         “Don’t be rude” Ripplesky warned. An awkward squeak came from the she-cat, it must have been his littermate. “He is trying to sleep, besides he can’t play with his eyes closed” Her voice quickly turned calm.

         Another squeaky voice started, this time it was the voice of a tom-kit. “We both wanna play mama, we also want to check outside. But we can’t until he opens his eyes!” The kits voice begins to grow moany and annoyed. “Why can’t he just open his eyes right now, I bet you he isn’t even sleeping.” Something sharp jabbed at Rainkit and he mewed in complaint.

         “I’m trying to!” Rainkit cried, blinking his eyes open he saw a tall grey tom-cat with green eyes looking at him, he was tall! The tom smiled at him.

         “Finally!” The she-kit squeaked. He jumped and turned his head she was pure white except for her misty coloured tail. “Jumpy much” she giggled blinking open her blue eyes. He turned his head again to his other littermate, he was a grey tom with darker grey paws and he had green eyes. He turned to his mother who was a white she-cat with blue eyes.  

         “Phew!” Dewstream’s voice sighed from the other side of the den. He turned his head to her she was a silver striped she-cat with amber eyes. She looked different then he had imagined. “You don’t talk much do you?” she laughed. Rainkit tilted his head confused, talk about what? He thought as he slowly surveyed his surroundings, taking in every little detail. Blinking he realized that his brother and sister were both standing so he slowly began trying to stand up as well. His legs were extremely wobbly and he collapsed, he frowned, this is harder than I thought… He looked up to his brother and sister and saw they both looked amused at his failed attempt of standing up. He frowned at his littermates, why are they amused… all I did was try to stand like them… Glaring at his littermates he started trying to get up once more, this time his legs were less shaky.  

         “Hurry up Rainkit!” his sister smiled. He ignored his sister and got to his paws he took a step forwards, it was easy now.

         “Now Willowkit, Pebblekit just because Rainkit opened his eyes that doesn’t mean you three can wander off” She meowed her voice was calm and a bit saddened that her wonderful kits were growing up. Her head turned to Dewstream, Dewstream only blinked with mischief.

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