Chapter 3: Weird Waves

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Rainkit stood, the world around him seeming to fade away into a distant past as he thought about the strange tom he had just seen. Who was that cat? Why did it seem like I was the only one who was able to see him… He looked over to the medicine cat, though the she-cat looked exhausted there was no sign that she had seen what he had saw. Feeling partly concerned that he may have just imagined it he checked the expressions of all the other cats, but none seemed to have even noticed the similar looking tom. He sighed then began searching for his littermates, spotting them not to far off he began to walk towards them but stopped when he saw his father. His father was a lean muscular cat with long dark grey fur, though his eyes seemed to reveal exhaustion they held a hint of silver. As Rainkit came near his father he thought he could see a hint of pain hidden in his father gaze but when he spoke the pain seemed to suddenly vanish. “Dad? Are you alright?” He looked at his fathers side, though it was covered with herbs and cobwebs there was a small leak of blood, narrowing his eyes to look closer he thought that the blood almost looked strange like it was darker then it should be. He was about to comment about it when he could feel his fathers paw gently pull towards himself. When his father spoke it was deep and calming, just as it was before the flood.

“Yes my son, I am fine. It was just a small wound that I had received from the flood, it will heal with time. But what about you, you and your littermates must have been pretty shaken.” His father’s eyes were dark with concern as he slowly sniffed Rainkit’s sides for any sort of injury.

“Dad I’m fine” He complained as his father, Stoneheart, licked his flank, Stoneheart just blinked still searching for wounds of anytype. “Dad! I’m fine” He squeaked once again as his father’s tongue swiped over his flank once again. Stoneheart purred in amusement.

“I’m only looking after you” He meowed swiping his tongue over Rainkit’s ear the last time before limping away, he felt guilty like it was his fault his dad left. He frowned and turned around to his surprise Pebblekit, Willowkit, Pouncekit and Minnowkit were standing behind him Minnowkit’s whiskers twitched with amusement and he then realised she was closer to him then the others she smiled to him. He smiled a bit to.

“Want to play territory with us?” Pouncekit mewed happily his paws were moving in place he obviously wanted to run. Rainkit just nodded.

“Great!” Pouncekit smiled as he dashed off in the direction of a small clearing with four trees around it. Willowkit and Pebblekit ran off after him while Minnowkit walked beside Rainkit her tail ‘accidently’ bumping into his, he moved his tail to the other side each time their tails touched he didn’t like how close she was. Looking over to his side he saw her eyes bright, like she enjoyed being this close and he looked away and frowned. He could feel a mixed emotion of guilt and wanting to leave her, he just looked at her in a friendly way, the urge to leave her behind growing stronger.

“Hey Minnowkit, race you!” Rainkit bolted forward before Minnowkit could so much as blink, as he ran he could feel his entire body relax as though the presence of Minnowkit being so close seemed to suffocate him. He caught up to the others long before Minnowkit and blinked at Pouncekit as he was explaining the rules. When Rainkit heard her pawsteps he moved in between Pebblekit and Willowkit so that Minnowkit couldn’t sit down beside him. Keeping his eyes on Pouncekit, he didn’t dare look at Minnowkit.

“Alright, so Rainkit and Pebblekit will be the rogues and Willowkit, Minnowkit and me will be the patrol, everyone understand?” Pouncekit meowed looking from kit to kit with a searching look then nodded. “Good lets get started, positions everyone!” He quickly darted away with Minnowkit and Willowkit as his side while Rainkit and Pebblekit ran in the opposite direction. Catching Pebblekit’s eyes he could see excitement and unable to keep back a smile himself, he smiled back. After they both counted to 15 seconds they both stood up and began to walk back, they made their fur bristle so that they would appear larger and they held their heads high. They grinned at each other when they heard Pouncekit’s yowl from behind and they both spun around and faced the kit patrol. Pouncekit growled at them, trying to sound like a warrior who spotted a trespasser, “halt! You are on Riverclan territory, leave at once!” Both Willowkit and Minnowkit were on each side of him, they both looked just like him but their eyes were more playful. Pebblekit turned to them and hissed back, is also trying to sound like an actual trespassing cat.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2014 ⏰

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