The Beginning

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"Don't move." Quinn heard as he was passing through a dark alley. He turned around to see a thug with a 5 inch knife pointed straight at him. " Give me your wallet and you won't have to get hurt." said the thug as he reached out his hand anticipating Quinn to hand it over.

"You'll be the one getting hurt if you try and take my wallet." said Quinn as he positioned himself in a fighting stance. "Are you high kid?" said the thug " I'm the one with the knife, just give me your wallet. I don't want to hurt you but I will if you don't cooperate."

Quinn stayed completely still with a stern look on his face. "Fine," said the thug " but you brought this on yourself."

The thug lunged at Quinn with the knife. Quinn side stepped out of the way and elbowed the thug in the left temple. The thug fell to the ground dazed. "I tried to warn you." said Quinn.

The thug stood up irritated and said to Quinn while running at him "Your going to regret that kid!" The thug slashed at Quinn's neck but before the knife could make contact, Quinn punched him in the nose breaking it.

The thug screamed in pain and took a step back. Quinn looked at all the blood and felt a chill run down his spine. He had always loved the look of blood. "That's it!", yelled the thug, " I tried to go easy on you kid but you leave me no choice." He pulled out a gun and said to Quinn, "Move an inch and I'll blow your fucking head off!"

Quinn started to produce a laugh as though he wasn't even scared of the 9mm pistol that was pointing him straight in the face. "What's so funny?" asked the thug more worried than mad now.

Quinn stopped laughing and said "You thinking that you can kill me." Quinn ran at the thug, and before he could pull the trigger, Quinn touched the thug on the shoulder and sent an electric current through the thug like a taser would.

The thug fell to the ground and started shaking. " What the...fuck was that?" said the thug so scared that he pissed himself. "Oh I didn't tell you?" said Quinn allowing a grin appear on his face. " I can control electricity" he said as a ball of electricity appeared in his hand.

"Your a freak." said the thug attempting to stand up, but immediately getting kicked back down by Quinn. "I've been called worse." said Quinn. "Like what?" asked the thug.

Quinn formed the ball of of electricity into a lightning bolt and said "A burden." Quinn sent the lightning bolt through the thugs heart. The thug coughed up blood and was dead within seconds.

Quinn looked down and admired his work. This was his favorite part, looking down and seeing the puddle of blood grow until it stopped. It made him feel peace. Quinn didn't know why or how but blood always seemed to make everything better.

Rain started to pour and within seconds the puddle of blood was a puddle of water. Quinn's little moment of peace was over and his terrible life was back on his mind. Quinn looked down at his watch and saw that it was 5:55 PM. "Shit," said Quinn as he ran down the alley "I'm going to be late."

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