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Quinn woke up to the sound of his alarm clock. He slowly opened his eyes before sitting up in bed. This was definitely his least favorite part of the day, waking up.

He rolled out of bed and put on some close and went down stairs to see Etienne already eating breakfast. "Good morning." said Mrs. Miller placing some breakfast on the table for Quinn. "Good morning Mrs.Miller." said Quinn forcing himself to speak. "We leave in five minuets for school be ready to leave by then or else you'll be left behind."

"Would that be such a bad thing?" said Quinn rhetorically. he quickly ate some of his breakfast, brushed his teeth, and combed his hair before walking down stairs."Lets go." said Mrs. Miller almost to happy.

When Quinn and Etienne arrived at school they were greeted by the same view as the first day. A long white hallway with filled with people talking to their friends and eating breakfast.

The only real difference was that Etienne was immediately surrounded by friends while Quinn quietly made his way to his first period. When Quinn got there everything was the same, same people, same teacher, same classroom.

This was how every class was for Quinn, boring and dull. First period flew by (mainly because Quinn was asleep) and he was on his way to second period before he even knew it.

When Quinn got to class he noticed that Samantha was sitting in a desk closer to him this time. " Hi Quinn, how are you doing." said Samantha trying to flirt with Quinn. "What's wrong with your desk?" asked Quinn acting as though he hadn't heard her.

" It was to far away from you." said Samantha edging a little bit closer to Quinn. Quinn just shrugged it off and fell asleep for a second period in a row. He did this for the next four class periods until seventh.

This was his favorite class of the day, theater . He loved how unpredictable it was and because Etienne was in the class. The class started with everyone taking their seats and the usual talking before the teacher showed up.

"All right class", said Mrs. Jackson walking to the front of the class looking a little flustered, "we have a new student today, why don't you introduce yourself to the class."

As she stepped out from behind Mrs. Jackson, Quinn felt his heart skip a beat. She was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen. She had blond, shoulder length hair the curved towards her at the bottom.

Her eyes were such a light blue that they almost looked grey. Quinn didn't realize he was staring at her awkwardly and it took a tap from Etienne to bring him back to earth.

"Hi I'm Caroline." she said softly never making eye contact with anyone. "Well I think I speak for everyone when I say it's nice to have you here. Your going to be sitting next to Quinn."

Etienne tapped Quinn on the shoulder and said "Looks like its your lucky day bro." "Shut up Etienne." said Quinn as Caroline walked over to her desk and sat down. The class went by fast as they acted a scene from the Wizard of Oz.

The final bell rang for school and Quinn went on his way to his bus, sitting down in the same seat he always sat in. As he was staring out the window however, he felt someone sit next to him gently trying not to disturb him.

Quinn went to tell the person to screw off and go somewhere else but when he turned around he saw Caroline sitting next to him listening to some music. Caroline quickly noticed Quinn staring at her and asked him " I'm sorry is this seat taken." "It is now." said Quinn trying to keep his cool.

They rode he bus not paying any attention to each other until it was time for Quinn to leave. As he stood up to go he noticed Caroline exiting the bus in front of him.

He still said nothing to shy to talk to her. Then as if pure coincidence he noticed her stop at the house right next to the orphanage. "No way." thought Quinn as he started to walk to the old orphanage door.

And as Quinn went to open the door he heard Caroline ask him " Have I seen you before." putting on a puzzled look. Quinn turned and said "Yeah your in my 7th period. "I didn't catch your name back there at theater." said Caroline opening the door to her house.

"It's Quinn." he said opening the door to the orphanage. "Nice to meet you Quinn. It looks like we're going to be getting to know each other a lot more." she said entering her house. "I hope so." thought Quinn realizing that the school year was about to get a lot better.

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