Drama (Kaidam? 2/2)

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(quick Note that's probably not important: they aren't aware they're in a game)

"There!" Vanessa shouted. Adam saw as Vanessa pointed somewhere at the ground as she flew down quickly.
Adam started running towards her, frantically looking for Kai. he needed to know he was safe, Mira just followed him. Eventually Adam saw Kai being pushed up against a tree by Reeves using his power. Mira ducked down pulling Adam with her behind a few bushes. "shouldn't we go help him?!" Adam asked worried
"not yet.."

"where is it!?!" Vanessa shouted at him
"I-I don't know!!" Kai yelled back while trying to use his power to escape, but he couldn't move his hands. "where are they!?!"
Vanessa's anger grew while her patience shortened. She stopped and took a deep breath, she started walking towards him. "now?!" Adam asked again in a low shouting voice, "wait!". Adam couldn't just sit there when Kai was in danger, he ran out of the bushes. "Adam?!" Mira called out to him, Adam pushed Reeve down to the ground causing him to release Kai. As soon as Kai reached the ground his hands lit with flames and used that as a distraction for them to get away.

They all ran until they assumed they were far enough so the others couldn't find them. Adam looked at Kai, he wondered if he should just tell him. Everytime he was near Kai his heart would just scream at him

tell him! Tell him now!

"M-Mira.." Adam called for her while still looking at Kai. "yeah?"
"uh, could you..give me and Kai a moment. Alone?" Mira looked at both of them "S-Sure...okay.." she turned around and walked away.

Adam grabbed Kai's shoulders, "listen, I need to tell you something..." Kai looked Adam up and down before finally locking eyes with him "O-Okay.."
"Kai...I-I..." Adam smiled at him before kissing him, Adam felt so happy. He'd imagined what I'd be like kissing him and it was even better then he thought. At first he felt Kai sort of jolt back but not enough to break apart the kiss. Until eventually he felt Kai kiss him back. Kai grabbed onto Adams arm with his right hand and his left hand behind his back, pulling Adam closer. Adam didn't know what he was expecting but he wasn't expecting Kai to kiss back as passionate as he was. They eventually pulled away from the kiss and they just stared at eachother for a moment. "Kai..I've felt this way about you for some time now."
"I don't know how to explain it but every time we're near each other my heart races and you just make me feel...so...so happy and—"
"Adam!" Adam stopped talking and Kai looked up straight into Adams eyes with a small tear streaming down his face.
"Kai..what's wrong.."
"A-Adam, im scared..." he replied in a soft and shaky voice
"what why?"
"because I thought I was straight..."
"w-what do you mean by that..."
"I mean I thought I was straight...an...and then you kissed me...."

If you were wondering where Skeet is...I DON'T KNOW MAN JUST DON'T THINK TOO MUCH INTO IT HE'S NOT THAT IMPORTANT IN THIS STORY. (also you can write your own version of what might happen next and if you do pleease let me know about it so I can read it cause I would love that💞💞)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2018 ⏰

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