
44 2 1

| Harry |

it was incredible how many hot, sweaty bodies managed to squeeze onto the tiny club dance floor.

the loud music boomed and the smell of mixing testosterone and hormones lingered in the air.

Harry turned away in disgust as he dodged projectile vomit coming from a wasted woman's mouth.

he loved this atmosphere - besides all the vomiting. he loved the upbeat music whose bass would drop every few seconds. he loved the moving people who never missed a beat with their bodies. he loved the cheap fluorescent neon lights swirling in circles. he absolutely loved the women. he wasn't really a womanizer but his job called for him to play the part of one.

he prowled around the edges of the clustered moving people, the pulse of the music motivating him further.

he searched,

and searched

and searched.

like a predator searching for its next meal; but instead he was looking for his next pay check.

you see, Harry was apart of a sex slavery. of course he, himself was not a slave. he merely lured the next woman - who would become a slave - with his devastatingly good looks. he always takes them to the back of every club and Liam, the gasser, always sneaks up behind them and shoves their face into a chloroformed rag.

he never felt guilt for most of them because they were way too easy. throwing themselves at him just for a good fuck. but sometimes, he felt guilt for a few truly nice girls. but he eventually got over it. it just made the job easier, to forget.

finally he found her - the exact idea of a new slave for a common client that his boss wanted to please. Blue eyes, waved blonde hair, legs that seemed to never end and a hell of a chest.

she sat in a high barstool, sipping on her cocktail and talking uninterestedly to a male on her right who seemed only interested on her chest. as he was still ogling at her breasts, she scanned the crowd finally moving her eyes to Harry. she sat up straighter and turned away from the creep, then gave Harry a flirtatious smirk, beckoning him.

as he made his way through the crowd, he never broke eye contact with his victim.

when he managed to make it through the swarm of people the creep took one look at Harry's large, intimidating build and practically ran to a new location at the bar after grabbing his scotch.

"well good evening, beautiful," Harry purred to her after taking a seat to her left. he signalled over the bartender and ordered his usual, Jack Daniels over the rocks.

"it's a good evening now that you saved me from that pervert." she chuckled and purposely leant over so Harry had a clear view of her very full chest.

"it was my pleasure. I always enjoy helping people in need," he spoke.

"hmm," she hummed. "is that so?" she leant forward again and propped her chin up on her left hand while she ran the fingers on her right hand down from Harry's collar to the waist of his pants. "well, I'm in desperate need." she trailed.

he smirked broadly and move his lips inches from her ear and asked, "in need of what?" although he already knew the answer to that question. she couldn't be more obvious. she managed to scoot her barstool so her knees were inches away from his crotch, and she was constantly touching him in between their conversing.

"for your touch," she said trying to sound sexy. she was probably only around 18 or 19 years old, while as Harry was 25. he knew what sexy was and it definitely was not her. she wasn't even that attractive to him. she would've been more attractive if she had a few inches to her dress added and a lot less makeup and more curves. Harry went for the subtle women when he actually had time to look for a partner. most a time these days he only had one night stands with drunken girls. it wasn't hard for him; he was an obvious hunk. he wasn't your classic heartthrob, he was his own way of stunning. with tattoos covering 3/4 of his body and piercings adorning his lip, ears, tongue and eyebrows, he was a modern type of sexy.

his whiskey arrived and he took a long gulp, watching her. he bit his lip, alluring her even more. "I could make you feel so good."

her mouth opened in shock as he ran his warm calloused hand up the inner part of her thigh.

"you're already so wet," he smirked even farther as she let out an involuntary moan slip,"who made you this wet?"

she suddenly snatched his hand dominantly from her thigh and grabbed her things then hauled ass out of there. damn, could she be any easier? he redirected her towards the exit and made sure the alley was empty before they exited; Liam was already in the alley way as planned.

"i didn't catch your name?" she half asked.

"that's because I didn't throw it at you," he held a smug smile on his face as she rolled her overly drawn on eyes.

"whatever smartass, what's your name?"

"Henry," Harry shot out his fake name he used in the business. they all used fake names as a precaution.

"well Henry, I'm Gwen." she giggled as she stuck out her hand and he took it, kissing her knuckles.

as the automatic exit door shut, Harry leant his back on the cold brick wall of the club and pulled the tall blonde to his body.

he kept her distracted as Liam slowly and quietly creeped up behind Gwen's back with the rag.

"so, your place or mine?" she asked, desperation evident in her voice.

Liam was only a step or two away now. Harry kept quiet acting as if he were thinking long and hard about her question.

in one swift motion Harry pushed Gwen into Liam's broad chest and Liam quickly slapped the chloroformed rag onto her airways. she passed out in seconds.

they dragged her long and light unconscious body into Liam's Ford and started the truck.

a few minutes after they made it onto the freeway, Harry grabbed his phone from the back pocket of his black jeans and dialed the familiar number.

after two rings he picked up.

"hello?" his deep voice rang through the line.

"we've got the girl and we'll be there in 10."


* cue the dramatic action movie music *

so Harry is like a drug car-teller but he deals women.


so I made him sound horrible in the first chapter of his story and I'm gonna jump back and fourth through third person point of view and the characters point of view.

this is also going to be a lower case story because I like the look of it, aha.

so tell me what you think!

the next chapter will be in the main woman's point of view.

love you 'lil beyoncés!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2014 ⏰

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