golden morning.

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Golden rays shined through the slightly opened window. A soft breeze wavered into the room and washed over the two males on the bed; the blanket weaving and tying them even closer together. The taller one shifted and pulled the dark-skinned male into his chest with his legs slowly wrapping around his own.

This awoke the short man slightly as a ghost of a smile danced on his lips and he resisted an urge to fix the blanket to properly cover them. Surrounding him was the smell of last night's rain and the soft tweets of birds soaring through the sky, the rays of the rising sun dancing its way around the white fluffy clouds. Although the main smell was that of his boyfriend's; the faint smell of mountain spring body wash and foul morning breath.

The male, Ryan, opened his eyes and, with one hand, wiped away the sleep from his eyes. He lied there listening to his boyfriend's deep breaths and occasional snoring. His breath tickled the back of his throat and Ryan smiled lightly. The rays still shined profusely through the window and made a soft pattern on the carpeted floor. Ryan traced it with his eyes and eventually made it back to the source. He couldn't really see the orange sun but he saw the breathtaking effect it had on the sky. It was still very much orange but a hint of the usual pale blue started to crawl up and take over the sky.

"Whatcha thinkin' about?" A gruff still sleepy voice muttered into his ear from behind him, making the heat spread from his neck to his ear to slowly blossom over his face.

Ryan smiled as Shane shifted again to loosen up his grip and give Ryan wiggle room, "About how much I want a pony." Shane's laugh rang out and he snuck a peek to see his eyes still closed.

"I would want a firetruck with a shit ton of flowers."

golden morning Where stories live. Discover now