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'Who names their Cerberus, Holly?' You ask Jungkook wondering, while you were riding

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'Who names their Cerberus, Holly?' You ask Jungkook wondering, while you were riding.

'Yoongi hyung does,' he pet the dog three head,' who's the good girl,' he cooed, one of the three heads looked at Jungkook and it smile with satisfaction

You look the boy right in front you, you were asking yourself if this is real because you know you couldn't believe your eyes right now, your thoughts was interrupted by the boy in front of you,

'Just a little reminder, hyung doesn't like any noise if his asleep,' he said,' and his always asleep, so I wouldn't be surprised if we went and he was asleep.'

'Alright,' you mumbled behind him.

it was silence yet again as you ride, you were debating if you're going to ask the boy in front you about your situation, you try your luck, the worst possible scenario you could think of is you being left in this woods alone because you manage to pissed the god in front you.

'So...' you started,' do you know about my situation, or do you know why I am here?'

'No, I don't know,' he answered,' But I might have a hunch why, Yoongi might be a good help since he knows everything next to Namjoon hyung, but his out of the option,'

'Wait, why his out of the option he knows everything, he could help the situation, so I could go back out of this dream, or whatever this is.' You shouted from behind.

He winced his ears,' For a human and mortal you sure a loud, I could hear you, you know, and you better lower your voice, were almost out of my woods, if you keep babbling nonsense about not from here, people might hear and chaos will bring out Olympia,'  he warned

'For your information, I know that if I tell Yoongi hyung, we couldn't get caught but if we tell Namjoon hyung, I could not guarantee your going back to earth safely, since you're not from here.'

'That's why huh.'


What have my life become.

Why has this happen to you?

You're going insane; I mean who wouldn't feel like they are.

You're riding with a man, a stranger, and his wearing a silk robe forsake and a wreath in his head, babbling about how good is the carrots in Olympia, while riding a Cerberus.

Yup! Not insane at all.

'Hey...' he started all of a sudden,' I don't think I got your name?' he asked not looking back.

''s y/n'

'It's nice to meet you y/n, I'm deeply sorry about my behavior, these woods have been sketchy a view past weeks and I was doing a patrol and I found you.'

'It's alright Jungkook' you calmly said.

'Kook' he suddenly said


'Kook, that's what my hyungs called me, it's easier to say and it sound informal.' He looks at you smiling; you couldn't help to notice the bunny smile he gave you that he creates.

'Oh...,' he started again,' in case Yoongi hyung is not at his lair, I suggest you staying outside for a moment.'



Moments had passed you came across an underground layer it the outer skirt of the forest. It's a cave like lair surround by grass and plants, a perfect hideout.

Holly stops and kneel the back of his leg a little bit, enough for you and Jungkook to go down. He jump straight to the ground, while you were looking astonished, baffled and confuse on how you're going down. Jungkook looked at you and snickered, he held a hand for you to get down, you set your leg down first, but being the clumsy person you are you accidently slip a leg, grabbing Jungkook by his robe.

Goes tumbling you go.

With Jungkook on top of you.

My, my isn't it a perfect cliché.

But as you know you aren't the kind of girl who's heart is easily move by such movement.

'Uh...,' Jungkook was looking at you, well you stared at him.

'Um... you can get off me now Jungkook,' you told him in a monotone and an instant he stands up brushing off the dirt in robe and fixed his golden wreath in his head. He grab your hands helping you up in an awkward silence, he clear his throat.

'Its kook,' he mumbled, before fixating his posture and head to mutter words you couldn't understand, and the door magically opened by its self.

'I'm going to check on Yoongi hyung for a moment wait a moment alright.' He looks away, hiding the blushing you see.

In he goes.


You were waiting a solid minute on the man when the door of the cave opened and Jungkook head pops up.

'Come in, but don't touch anything,' he signal you to come in,' I don't know what's hyung been doing, but I think his in his den.'

Jungkook started to walk in front of you, not realizing that you stop to look at the place.

You stepped inside of the cave like and you thought, you've got to be kidding me, this is not what the front looks like, and you were surprise to see a whole interior, it was magnificent, it was like going inside a big castle in the medieval era, it was astonishing to see some piece of artifact that books had written in your world in real life.

Your eyes captures a big vase in the corner of the room, you were fascinated by it and step a bit closer to look a bit at the design when a sudden black smoke engulf you and push your body upwards making you fly.

You panicked, then black smoke at engulf you suddenly disappear making you scream in panic

'Help! Kook!' you shouted a help to Jungkook, you were free failing, you closed you eyes, when you felt like you land in a soft material, and looked up to see a Jungkook had grab a mattress. He looked at you worry.

'Are you alright?' he looks you with his bunny eyes.

'I think I'm alright'

'Well good if you two are done being lovely dovey, get your ass out of my bed little girl.' You turn to see a man in is late 20 wearing the same robe with Jungkook but in a black colour and his golden wreath in his head, he tsked at you.

'Didn't kook already told you to not touch,' he looks at you

'I didn't, I was just looking,' you mutter

'Well same thing isn't it.'

Rude much. You were about to snap back when Jungkook put his hands over your mouth signaling you to stop.

'Any who, welcome human, you're in a hell of a ride.' He smile at you amusingly


Anywho, Hello I'm back it's been a while since i've updated my book.

guilty as hell.

I just want to drop by and say happy new year. it's going to be a marvelous year i tell and I'm making sure to updated as much as I can, I hope more frequently than last year.

updating more frequent will be a big resolution this year since I'm preparing to go to college.

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