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(Dallons POV)

I walk into school, the sound of talking fills my ears and I sigh softly. I scan the halls, to keep ware of my surroundings. I head straight for my locker. Right beside mine, was Brendon Uries. He was leaned against his locker, a cigarette in hand. "You can't smoke in school." I state as I put my combination in. "As if anyone will know." He says taking a drag from it, purposely blowing the smoke towards me, and I scrunch up my nose. They smelt horrid. I don't get how one could enjoy puffing on one of those cancer sticks.

"There's cameras everywhere. I'm sure someone knows by now. You should outten it." I say, as I pull my books from my locker, and slam it closed. "Does it look like I give a fuck, kid?" He asks. Kid? He's the same age as me. Idiot. "Of course you don't, you don't seem to have such respect for anyone, including yourself." I state, and he pushes himself up from leaning against the lockers, his eyes locking with mine. An icy cold glare aimed at me.

"What did you just say?" He says and I stand there awkwardly. I wasn't afraid of him, far from it. He knew that. "Watch yourself." He says and I smile at him. "Have a nice day." I say, walking past him. The smile drops from my face and I shake my head. "Fucking cunt." I mumble under my breath. I had an issue with cussing, I was trying to work on it. Perhaps it's not as bad if I'm keeping it to myself instead of shouting them as I please.

If you couldn't tell already, Brendon Urie is the biggest asshole in this whole school district. No one knew what his issue was but he seemed to hate everyone and everything. He acted as some edge lord who skateboards and smokes. He shoves people around, and gets in the occasional fist fight. He was a terrible influence. His grades were probably as shitty as his personality. I had Math, Phys ED, and English with him. In math and English he just sat there, staring off into space, sometimes he'd threaten someone for their homework so he can copy it. That's about it. In Phys ED all he did was lean against the wall, refusing to participate.

He didn't care if he failed. It was confusing, to say the least. It's our last year of high school, why not just get it over with? Lucky me, I had English first period. He's also in lunch with me, but he never paid much attention to me there. Which is a good thing. I don't need him near me. He's no good, not one bit. Yeah he may be good looking, probably one of the hottest guys in this school, but that's as much as he has going for him. He's openly gay, everyone knows. I don't think he meant for it to be known.

I remember, last year this girl approached him, obviously flirting. He seemed quite uninterested and I guess she said something to make him snap. He screamed in her face that he didn't like girls and that she and every female in this school could fuck off. She ended up crying. It was during study hall, so a great deal of people had heard and word spread fast. No one cared, he got in a few fights with a few homophobes but most people just talked shit behind his back. Anyone with a brain would know that confronting Brendon Urie is something you don't wanna do.

I realize that I got so lost I thought that I went all the way up to the forth floor. English was on the second floor. Fuck. I turn and hurry back down the stairs, shoving past people who yelled cusses at me. I wonder how funny it looked. Someone as tall as me, running down the stairs past normal sized human beings. I would laugh if I saw that. I stop running when I realize how obnoxious that is. Thank God I'm not a freshman or else someone would have pushed me down the stairs by now. I hurry down the hall, but quickly stop.

I'm already late, so what does it matter? I'm usually never late, the worst thing that'll happen is I'll be sent to get a late slip. No biggie at all. I walk in, and the teacher stops talking and everyone turns to look at me. "Sorry I'm late Miss. Webbens, I couldn't open my locker. It won't happen again." I say and she sighs and nods. "Take a seat, Dallon. You're lucky I didn't take role yet." She says and I nod and sit down in the back. A lot of people didn't sit in the back. Brendon did, but all the way on the other side of the room. Thankfully away from me.

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